Read about stencils and powerful abilities , impressed with it. I plan to make html pages marked up with json-ld from several textual files into .org(org-mode) format through custom site...
Now orgparse unable parse [multiline properties]( Properties where new values/new lines for same items presented as ``` :PROPERTIES: :item: value 1 :item+: same item value 2 :another_item: another value ```...
Processing various metadata from org-mode is part of my trial to create org structured, "content first" and search engine friendly web pages. But the question is bigger and for all...
*Template* question. How to edit template to not include link into site menu to the same page. For example on the site of weblorg we go on the page "Blogging"....
Thanks for raising the problem of directly passing text to and from the browser to emacs. So far, I have seen very few solutions for collecting information from a browser...
Forgotten about broadband connection during operating system installation (as usually with official linux iso). If you are with 3g modem and mobile broadband connection it is not possible to make...
Unfortunately, there is currently no serious site generator based on org mode. Most don't provide anything very different from the standard org-publish. But they carry all the same shortcomings that...
The idea of publishing content from one org file is very impressed. But whatever one.el is designed to create small and simple sites. For examples, your sites on subdomains are...
Trying to remap some actions in Chrome for emacs like keybindings. Unfortunally can't remap 'paste something from clipboard' from c-v to c-y. My sample ``` mapkey('', 'Paste', function() {