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[Suggestion] Draconic Evolution style config GUI + some other suggestions
An ingame GUI like the one from DE for the Tools, Weapons and Armour from Avaritia would be a nice thing probably causing some more Players actually using the items (especially the Armour). For the Armour perks that are given to the Player regardless if they are wearing the full Armour or not (like flight on the Chestplate) make those parts only configurable if the Player wears that specific piece.
Configurable things could be:
- Toggleable step assist (as one of the points in issue#3)
- Toggleable (and configurable) walking speed boost (like double walking speed, tripple, half, basically any value up until a certain point i.e. 10x normal walking speed)
- Configurable Hammer breaking range (and IIRC there is a Shovel equivalent) (maybe even split it into depth and width (to allow for things like a 3x3 tunnel thats 10 blocks deep with only a single block mined))
- Toggleable inertia cancellation
- Configurable vertical and horizontal flight speed boost (see walking speed boost point for some numbers)
- Toggleable rapid fire, instant draw, no arrow falloff for the Bow
- Toggleable knockback resistance
- Toggleable enchantments (like disabling fortune, enabling silk touch)
- Add the option to hide the Armour (make it invisible but still with all the perks)
- Configurable mining speed (anywhere between instant mine, some maximum value (maybe whatever is close to mining Obsidian almost instantly or like 10x the speed of an Efficiency 5 Netherite Pickaxe) and not being able to mine at all) (Maybe even make this an option for the Sword but only configurable between normal breaking speed and not being able to mine at all (to prevent breaking things like Grass while fighting Mobs))
- Toggling if walking speed boost should only activate when sprinting
- Toggling if flying speed boost should only activate when sprinting
- Toggleable auto feed
- Toggleable night vision
- Toggleable if you should be provided with air while underwater
- Toggleable if you should be immune to fire and therefore also removing the fire overlay while in Lava/Fire
- Toggleable removal of negative Potion effects
- Toggleable flight lock (so you are always flying and cannot get down unless sneaking (Draconic Chestplate also has that functionality if you want to try that out))
- Toggleable if the Axe should mine the entire Tree at once or only the logs or only the leaves or behave just like a normal axe would
- Anything else that could be a configurable thing the Tools, Weapons and Armour might add in the future or I have missed as of right now
Some other ideas I had:
- Split Hammer and Pickaxe into two different items
- Multitool similar to the Draconic Staff of Power (Naming suggestion: Emperor of the Universe)
- This one is related on how the config menu could behave when Draconic Evolution is installed. I have no idea if this could be possible. Anyway, when opening the configuration menu from DE allow items from Avaritia also to be selected so they can be configured (or the other way around (I don't think users will care) as it seems like Brandon is involved with Avaritia (at least on the Curseforge page) and thus this shouldn't be to difficult to communicate). This is to reduce the amount of hotkeys that are used (especially in big modpacks.)