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Twitter API 1.0 being retired on Mar 5th 2013
Is anyone currently working on updating this project to utilize the 1.1 API? I'm planning on giving it a go in a few weeks but wanted to make sure no one is currently working on it.
Not sure how much work it will be.
Mar 5th is only a few weeks away.
Thanks for the heads-up! Would be happy to connect about what this means in detail (e.g. authentication) and how to implement the necessary changes...
I believe that we would need to add a oAuth call at the very least to pull the profile images as that call requires oAuth in the 1.1 API. Need to check on whether the Search API requires auth.
I believe there is a project for oAuth that can be leveraged.
Here is the one that is noted on the SWF Junkie page:
Also I checked and even the Search API for 1.2 will require Authentication.
The question I am having here is, with who's credentials do we have to authorize the app - can we create and use a single user account to run it (~ @revisit_app ?) or does each user who would like to run it, log in and grant permissions, etc.
Each app would need their own otherwise multiple apps would exceed twitters rate limit.
In the meantime, I wrote to the guy behind the tweetr library, but have not received any reply yet. In theory, it should support oAuth, but I don't know if it supports the new API structure. (last update is almost a year old)
I found an AS3 Twitter 1.1 library that was updated a few days ago here:
Luckily they moved the date to May 7th so still have time to integrate.
Looks good, but seems like a very fresh library, could be a bit risky to use. Any experiences with it yet?
I think we might have used the as3crypto library. I'll take a look and see if I can help.
Hmm, it looks like we used PHP to do the authentication and then we passed the token to Flash using Flashvars. Still doesn't help with the migration to Twitter 1.1. -:
The swfjunkie library is dead, and the author seems uncontactable. Is anyone having any success with a new AS3 library?
This looks like it will work. Along with the as3crypto package. If I get it working - I'll get back. :-)
September 13th. I've been working on the swfjunkie's tweetr library for a while. It finally died on the Twitter changeover of course, and I nearly have it working again. It's actually not that difficult, but I haven't had a lot of time to devote to it. I'm getting this back from it now.
I am using pure AS3 on iOS, with Flash Professional. I have pulled the tweetr source down, and applied some compile time constants that are necessary for me. I'm not bothered about making it into an swc just now. as it doesn't work anyway.
If anyone is reading this still ... Drop me a line if you need the details of what I have done so far to the library. A bit of help would be nice too if anyone else is working on it. The susisu/Twitter-for-AS3 works too, but it's pretty basic. However, that encourages me to see if I can pull the relevant code into tweetr. I can't use it in my app now, there is too much code reliant on the tweetr one to change over.
So in short - I can run the thing right up to the point where it sends the Tweet, but there it fails. So, I'm almost there.
1516:Here we are calling Auth
1639PinPoint Xtra puts ShanghaiTimes here:
1640:Sending Tweet via
1 [object StatusData]