Cpp-Primer copied to clipboard
Exercise 10_32.cc (G++ giving error on the accumulate algorithm)
As per your code, i am getting errors on the accumulate algorithm as shown below.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
#include "include/Sales_data.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
istream_iterator<Sales_data> in_iter(cin), in_eof;
vector<Sales_data> vec;
while (in_iter != in_eof)
sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), compareIsbn);
for (auto& v: vec) {
cout << v << endl;
for (auto beg = vec.cbegin(), end = beg; beg != vec.cend(); beg = end) {
end = find_if(beg, vec.cend(), [beg](const Sales_data &item){ return item.isbn() != beg->isbn(); });
cout << accumulate(beg, end, Sales_data(beg->isbn())) << endl; // ERROR HERE!
return 0;
Errors: In template: invalid operands to binary expression ('typename std::remove_reference<Sales_data &>::type' ..
Can you please explain how you managed to compile without errors? I checked this algorithm, and i don't see any issue based on the algorithm available parameters as in the cppreference site.