Tomb-Editor copied to clipboard
WT: suggestions
- [x] A recently opened WADs list
For the animation editor:
- [ ] Clicking and dragging in the animation list does nothing. If no function is planned for that, it should simply select the animation the mouse is on, and scroll if we drag further than the box, for easy selection.
- [x] Add a highlight color for selected mesh.
- [ ] Add orthographic mode.
- [ ] Allow grid size & interval customization.
- [x] Add a separate panel with rotation/translation coordinates, and allow manually typing in it.
- [x] For animations with speed, an option to make the grid move at the same speed.
- [x] ~~For animations with special StateIDs, an option to make the grid rotate the grid like the game would.~~
- [x] Add a chain mode, that plays the selected animation first and then snaps to the next animation. Maybe a separate animation list panel when this mode is on, to list the currently playing animations, so we can easily jump from one to another. Additionally, for that chain mode:
- [x] An option to take the Set Position commands in account.
- [x] When taking Set Positions in account, if it's a looping animation, maybe something to move the grid instead of Lara herself (like it would do with the animations with speed). Useful for moving up/down animations (wall climb, polerope, rope, etc).
- [ ] Animation playback speed slider. Makes it easier to spot details in the animation, or just test how it would look with a different speed (and see if it can actually be speeded up).
- [x] Reset camera button.
- [ ] Optionally reset camera position when switching to a different animation (for when Lara has two very different positions between two animations)
- [x] Use spinners for number fields.
- [ ] Re-scale animation to specific number of frames (partially exists but does not allow every length).
- [ ] Rotate animation/selected frames by X degrees. Exists but only works based on the root mesh rotation (euler vs quaternion angles).
- [ ] See relative displacement/rotation while we're moving/rotating a mesh using gizmos.
- [ ] Relative type-in mode for position/rotation.
- [ ] Animation export.
- [ ] New gizmos that don't freak out.
"For animations with special StateIDs, an option to make the grid rotate the grid like the game would." -- impossible. Rotation speed is hardcoded for every state. It was already a big burden to implement proper grid movement, but at least speed info is in place. But for rotations it's not there.
- [ ] Add the ability to move mesh by half-square in Skeleton Editor, similar to TE. Eg. it could use the Shift+drag key combination like the free object movement does in TE.