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Variation conditionals
"conditions": { // Variation-level condition
"Black": {"include_when": {"Colour": "Green"}}, // "Black" variation for this layer is included if the "Colour" layer variation is Green
"Blue": {"exclude_when": {"Colour": "Orange"}}, // "Blue" variation for this layer is excluded if the "Colour" layer variation is Orange
"Brown": {"exclude_when": { NOT: {"Colour": "Blue"}}}, // "Brown" variation for this layer is excluded if the "Colour" variation is NOT Blue
"Green": {"include_when": { AND: {"Colour": "Yellow"}, {"Hat": "Beret"}}}, // "Green" variation for this layer is included if Colour is Yellow AND Hat is Beret
"Green": {"exclude_when": { OR: {"Colour": "Yellow"}, {"Hat": "Cowboy"}}}, // "Green" variation for this layer is excluded if Colour is Yellow OR Hat is Cowboy
A few things need to come together for this feature:
- [x] More efficient random sampling algorithm (without replacement): dev/faster-random-sampling
- [ ] Efficient algorithm to exclude invalid variation combinations from the random sample pool
Because they violate one or more layer-level or variation-level conditionals
- Ideally without replacement (never randomly pick invalid combinations)
- Or with a single replacement (randomly pick combination, check that it is invalid, never pick again)
Such an algorithm is much simpler to implement if a condition on layer
can only dependent on layersj < i
- [ ] Parsing of the
layer key into boolean expressions - [ ] In-UI conditions "builder"
Some minor corrections to the JSON format:
"conditions": { // Variation-level condition
"Black": { "include_when": { "Colour": "Green"} }, // "Black" variation for this layer is included if the "Colour" layer variation is Green
"Blue": { "exclude_when": { "Colour": "Orange" } }, // "Blue" variation for this layer is excluded if the "Colour" layer variation is Orange
"Brown": { "exclude_when": { "NOT": { "Colour": "Blue" } } }, // "Brown" variation for this layer is excluded if the "Colour" variation is NOT Blue
"Green": {
"include_when": { "AND": { "Colour": "Yellow" }, { "Hat": "Beret" } }, // "Green" variation for this layer is included if Colour is Yellow AND Hat is Beret
"exclude_when": { "OR": { "Colour": "Yellow" }, { "Hat": "Cowboy" } } // "Green" variation for this layer is excluded if Colour is Yellow OR Hat is Cowboy
Proof of concept of the variation conditionals working with the new random sampler is here 10c36338a2c992b1b2ae1f39e7decff03ca771d7
It implements a single replacement algorithm, and allows for conditions on layer i
to depend on any layer j != i
Example of a validation callback for the random sampler:
rs = RandomSampler(weights)
rs.set_validation_callback( # layer["Color"] == 'Blue' and layer["Landscape"] == 'Tunnel' is invalid
lambda pick: True if len(pick) < 2 else not (pick[0] == 2 and pick[1] == 2),
No parsing of the conditions from JSON or UI yet.
Turns out, we don't need to re-invent the wheel! Boolean expressions can be represented by a binary expression tree
To keep it JSON compatible, we can keep using dictionaries to represent the tree in Python and in JSON.
Binary operators (values of op
: evaluated tonode['left'] OR node['right']
: evaluated tonode['left'] AND node['right']
Unary operators (only left
key parsed):
: evaluated toNOT node['left']
Leaves "operators" (used to parse values):
: evaluated tobool(node['value'])
(should betrue
) -
: evaluated to
(node['layer'] in layers) and (layers[node['layer']] == node['variation'])
Each layer variation that needs a conditional will follow the same basic syntax:
"conditions": { // Variation-level conditions (a binary expression tree per variation)
"op": "AND",
"left": {
// `include_when` binary expression tree
"right": {
"op": "NOT",
"left": {
// `exclude_when` binary expression tree
// ...
Example for "Black"
and "Green"
"conditions": { // Variation-level conditions (a binary expression tree per variation)
"Black": {
"op": "AND",
"left": { // `include_when` binary expression tree
"op": "VARIATION",
"layer": "Colour",
"variation": "Green"
"right": { // `NOT exclude_when` binary expression tree
"op": "NOT",
"left": { "op": "VALUE", "value": false }
"Green": {
"op": "AND",
"left": { // `include_when` binary expression tree
"op": "AND",
"left": {
"op": "VARIATION",
"layer": "Colour",
"variation": "Yellow"
"right": {
"op": "VARIATION",
"layer": "Hat",
"variation": "Beret"
"right": { // `NOT exclude_when` binary expression tree
"op": "NOT",
"left": { // `exclude_when` binary expression tree
"op": "OR",
"left": {
"op": "VARIATION",
"layer": "Colour",
"variation": "Red"
"right": {
"op": "VARIATION",
"layer": "Hat",
"variation": "Cowboy"