react-native-ratings copied to clipboard
ratingBackgroundColor appears to the right of the star component
See screenshot below. I think there may be an issue where the width of whatever view ratingBackgroundColor is inside does not entirely align with the view that contains the tintColor, resulting in a slight sliver of the ratingBackgroundColor div appearing to the right of the star component.
<Rating type="custom" ratingColor={} ratingBackgroundColor={colors.progressBarBackground} ratingCount={5} tintColor={backgroundColor || 'white'} imageSize={20} startingValue={rating || 0} readonly fractions={1} onFinishRating={onPress} />
@yangfreezy This package is good, I use it in multiple project. But two small problems in this package irritates me:
- line in background
- In Android, when this is used inside <TouchableOpacity />, over tapping for couple of ms, it shows grey background behind star images.
I was facing the exact problem in this package. So i just created small package(readonly ratings) (Uses Ionicons for stars)
Here's a similar issue in android, except this time the rating color leaks, instead of the background color.
Strange.. Can you provide code snippet for this issue? This will help in reproducing it at my end using react-native-rating-element
@ui-ninja sorry - i think there was a miscommunication. the screenshot and issue above is with the react-native-rating package. I just switched over to your package, react-native-rating-element and it works perfectly! thanks so much for actively promoting your package and commenting on it :D
Glad it could help 👍
@ui-ninja Your package worked like a charm .. Thanks for posting it!
I got same issue :) Not fixed yet?
Having the same issue on android
I am also experiencing this on Android API 28 with the following code:
I managed to get around this bug by doing the following:
Modify SwipeRating.js in the node packages folder
Adding left:1 to the starsWrapper style
Seems to work fine on both android and iOS.