react-native-ratings copied to clipboard
useNativeDriver was not specifiec
` <AirbnbRating count={5} reviews={["Terrible", "Bad", "Good", "Very Good", "Amazing"]} defaultRating={5} size={30} showRating={false}
WARN Animated: useNativeDriver
was not specified. This is a required option and must be explicitly set to true
or false
Same problem, after updating to Expo 38
To fix the warning just add this line: useNativeDriver:true In this file node_modules/react-native-ratings/src/components/Star.js -> line 32
Animated.spring( this.springValue, { toValue: 1, friction: 2, tension: 1, useNativeDriver: true, } ).start();
There is an open pr for this #108
same problem
Any Solution for this warning please.
To fix the warning just add this line: useNativeDriver:true In this file node_modules/react-native-ratings/src/components/Star.js -> line 32
Animated.spring( this.springValue, { toValue: 1, friction: 2, tension: 1, useNativeDriver: true, } ).start();
@nawfalhaddi , thanks, it worked