From what I've gathered, this error originates from the following method call: with then breaks here: as this throws a ForbiddenException if you don't have all permissions.
> The output should be based on the permissions of your current user, regardless of if it's public or not So if I understand correctly, the output should change based...
> In that case, the `tablesToFetchInfoFor` should be generated differently, as currently it's generated by retrieving the names of all available (as in available to Directus) tables. Nevermind, I am...
I believe both the GraphQL one and the OAS use the same accountability info. The difference seems to be that the GraphQL information is based on the schema, whereas the...
> The pubic role needs access to `directus_collections`, `directus_fields` and `directus_relations` in order to generate the oas spec. I think the primary concern here is that it's inconsistent, as a...
The workaround by @rbsummers seems to work for me as well!