Documentation for using the library can be found in the example code.
> Currently only images in tga format can be output? Can you support the output in png format? Since this is not core functionality in our library, but extra example...
As mentioned above, we will not add it to the sample code, unless somebody makes a PR for it.
No, there are currently no plans to support these features.
Not in the near future. However, as far as I know, most of the differences in .PSB vs. .PSD boil down to indices/offsets being 64-bit instead of 32-bit. It shouldn't...
Can you explain what you mean by layer styles? The PSD file format specification from Adobe knows about several different styles, all belonging to different sub-objects:
Those are all contained in different objects, so you would have to read all of these objects as per the file format spec.
There are no classes for this in the library, currently. If you mean which objects are used: you have to figure that out by looking at the file format spec...