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Icolos: A workflow manager for structure based post-processing of de novo generated small molecules
Please note: this repository is no longer being maintained.
: Workflow manager
The Icolos
tool is a workflow manager for structure-based workflows in computational chemistry, that abstracts execution logic from implementation as much as possible. Icolos was designed to interface with REINVENT, and workflows can be called as a component of the scoring function, or to postprocess results with more expensive methods. Workflows are specified in JSON
format (see folder examples
). Currently wrapped are a diverse set of tools and internal steps, including docking, QM and MD capabilities. The pre-print is available here.
provides a unified interface to a host of software for common computational chemistry calculations, with built in parallelization,
and straight-forward extensibiltiy to add additional functionality. It was principally developed to handle structural calculations for REINVENT
jobs, however, workflows can also be run independently.
Workflows are constructed from elementary 'steps', individual blocks which are combined to specify a sequential list of operations, with control of the command-line options provided through step settings, and options to control other aspects of the step's behaviour included in the additional
For many use cases, one of the template workflows might suit your needs, or need a few tweaks to do what you want. Demonstration notebooks for common workflows are available here.
Initial configuration
You are welcome to clone the repository and use a local version, and in particular if you would like to experiment with the code base and/or contribute features, please get in contact with us.
After cloning, first install and activate the icolosprod
environment. To ensure the right installation directory is used, you can add the --prefix
parameter to the create
call, specifying the location of the conda
conda env create -f environment_min.yml
conda activate icolosprod
Then install the package:
pip install -e .
This will give you access to the icolos
The following will install the ESPsim
package into the environment - this is only required if ligand-based matching using this package is desired.
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/hesther/espsim.git
cd espsim
conda activate icolosprod
pip install -e .
Unit testing
Icolos is extensively unit tested, and relies on an external data repo located here. The full test suite takes ~60 mins on a workstation, therefore it is recommended that you execute a subset of unit tests relevant to the workflow you are running. To execute the full test suite, run something like:
pytest -n 8 tests/
Once a JSON
is specified, the workflow can be executed like so:
conda activate icolosprod
icolos -conf workflow.json
We usually advise to check the validity of your configuration file before you try to execute it. There is a bespoke validator
entry point to facilitate this:
validator -conf workflow.json
Once specified, a workflow can be called like this in a bash
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -t 0-02:59:00
#SBATCH -p core
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=5
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G
source /<conda_path>/miniconda3/bin/activate /<conda_path>/minconda3/envs/icolosprod
icolos -conf workflow.json
For GROMACS workflows requiring the GPU partition, you will need to adapt the header accordingly, e.g. like so:
#SBATCH -J gmx_cco1_fold_microsecond
#SBATCH -o MygpuJob_out_%j.txt
#SBATCH -e MygpuJob_err_%j.txt
#SBATCH -c 8
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4g
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00
The API reference is available here.
- Christian Margreitter @cmargreitter
- J. Harry Moore @jharrymoore
- Matthias R. Bauer [email protected]