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MolSSI Integral Reference Project
MolSSI Integral Reference Project (MIRP)
The goal of the MolSSI Integral Reference Project is to provide both reference data and reference implementations of common integrals found in computational chemistry.
DOI and Citation
MIRP is available on Zenodo under the following DOIs:
These represent DOIs for the overall project and always point to the latest release. If you are using a specific version, you should specify the DOI for that version.
Complete documentation can be found at https://molssi.github.io/MIRP
C/C++ compiler (supporting C++11)
CMake (http://cmake.org)
Arb (http://arblib.org)
Flint (http://flintlib.org)
MPFR (http://mpfr.org)
GMP (http://gmplib.org)
- MPIR (http://mpir.org) may work, but is untested
MIRP is released under the BSD 3-clause license. See LICENSE for details.
This work was supported by the Molecular Sciences Software Institute under U.S. National Science Foundation grant ACI-1547580.