
Results 17 comments of Mojster

You should use a different functionality. It's explained in my issue: #1847 Hope this solves your problem like it did mine.

Example image with search results. ![pdf_example]( Link to working pdf from image: Links to pdf with no title: Hope this helps you further. Could also be a...

Found out, that if I open the file in Acrobat Reader and go to File->Properties, there's a title field. If it's empty than normally PDFBox couldn't extract it. I'm closing...

I agree with you. So I've reopened it.

Found in your FAQ an article: [How the lang attribute of webpages gets detected]( So the fallback with content detection is not working properly. We'll try to solve this with...

One option is to put language param in HTML documents. So than it detects SL. But in results it returns English as first result. I think I could solve this...

Let me turn my question around. Would you add Slovene language to your "ngram detection"? In issue #1822 you gave me once instructions how to add a slovene lemantizer. This...

After playing with URL Browser I encountered a new problem. Now in the result in Render I have only this url. All other that were indexed are gone. I can...

I everything is going downhill, I've had an idea to just delete all and reindex it from start. Under Runtime->Commands I've truncated all documents and under Crawler->Web->URL browser I've deleted...