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[1.18.2] Corail Tombstone Graves doesn't appear.
Minecraft Version : 1.18.2
Mohist Version : 166
Operating System :
- Server: Ubuntu 22.04
- Client: Windows 11 Home
Logs : No
Mod list :
- [1.18.2] SecurityCraft v1.9.9.jar
- AmbientSounds_FORGE_v5.0.16_mc1.18.2.jar
- appleskin-forge-mc1.18.2-2.5.1.jar
- Aquaculture-1.18.2-2.3.12.jar
- artifacts-1.18.2-4.2.3.jar
- balm-3.2.6.jar
- betterfpsdist-1.18.2-1.5.jar
- BetterThirdPerson-Forge-1.18.2-1.9.0.jar
- BiomesOPlenty-1.18.2-
- Botania-1.18.2-435.jar
- camera-1.18.2-1.0.6.jar
- carryon-1.18.2-
- cfm-7.0.0-pre35-1.18.2.jar
- chipped-forge-1.18.2-2.0.1.jar
- chococraft-1.18.2-0.5.2.jar
- comforts-forge-1.18.2-
- Controlling-forge-1.18.2-9.0+23.jar
- CosmeticArmorReworked-1.18.2-v2a.jar
- CreativeCore_FORGE_v2.6.17_mc1.18.2.jar
- CTM-1.18.2-1.1.5+5.jar
- curios-forge-1.18.2-
- drippyloadingscreen_forge_3.0.1_MC_1.18.2.jar
- DungeonsArise-1.18.2-2.1.52-release.jar
- DynamicTrees-1.18.2-1.0.4.jar
- emotecraft-for-MC1.18.2-2.2.5-forge.jar
- EnhancedVisuals_FORGE_v1.6.4_mc1.18.2.jar
- expandability-6.0.0.jar
- fancymenu_forge_3.1.2_MC_1.18.2.jar
- FarmersDelight-1.18.2-1.2.3.jar
- ferritecore-4.2.2-forge.jar
- FpsReducer2-forge-1.18.2-2.0.jar
- geckolib-forge-1.18-3.0.57.jar
- Jade-1.18.2-forge-5.3.2.jar
- jei-1.18.2-forge-
- journeymap-1.18.2-5.9.8-forge.jar
- justzoom_forge_1.0.2-1_MC_1.18.2.jar
- konkrete_forge_1.8.0_MC_1.18-1.18.2.jar
- lazydfu-1.0-1.18+.jar
- MagmaMonsters-0.6.2.jar
- mcw-doors-1.1.0forge-mc1.18.2.jar
- mcw-windows-2.2.1-mc1.18.2forge.jar
- melody_forge_1.0.1_MC_1.18.2.jar
- modernfix-forge-5.15.0+mc1.18.2.jar
- mowziesmobs-1.6.3.jar
- Patchouli-1.18.2-71.1.jar
- player-animation-lib-forge-1.0.2+1.18.jar
- PlayerRevive_FORGE_v2.0.13_mc1.18.2.jar
- polymorph-forge-1.18.2-0.50.jar
- PrettyPipes-1.12.8.jar
- reap-1.18.2-1.0.0.jar
- sophisticatedbackpacks-1.18.2-
- sophisticatedcore-1.18.2-
- soundphysics-forge-1.18.2-1.0.6.jar
- TerraBlender-forge-1.18.2-
- tombstone-1.18.2-7.6.8.jar
- torchmaster-18.2.1.jar
- trashslot-forge-1.18.2-11.0.3.jar
- voicechat-forge-1.18.2-2.5.11.jar
- walljump-forge-1.18.1-1.3.7.jar
Plugin list :
- AdminGUI-1.9.0.jar
- BanItem-3.5.jar
- Clearlag.jar
- DiscordSRV-Build-1.27.0.jar
- EssentialsX-2.20.1.jar
- EssentialsXChat-2.20.1.jar
- FastLoginBukkit (2).jar
- HeadsInventory-1.11.1.jar
- HeadsPluginAPI-3.4.0.jar
- LoginSecurity-3.2.0-Bukkit.jar
- LuckPerms-Bukkit-5.4.121.jar
- multiverse-core-4.3.12.jar
- NoPlugins.jar
- PlayerTimeLimit.jar
- PluginManager.jar
- ProtocolLib.jar
- SkinsRestorer.jar
- sleep-most-5.4.0.jar
- SuperVanish.jar
- TAB v4.1.4.jar
- TCPShield-2.7.0.jar
- UltimateAutoRestart-2024.03.jar
- WarpSystem_v5.1.10-free.jar
- worldedit-bukkit-7.2.20.jar
- WorldEditSelectionVisualizer-2.1.6.jar
- worldguard-bukkit-7.0.7-dist.jar
Description of issue : The Corail Tombstone mod is not spawning the tombs on player deaths. Other users have already reported this to the developers and they indicate that it is a Mohist problem since it does not behave like Forge.
I updated Mohist from a previous version to the latest one to test if it was resolved but it wasn't, it didn't work in either the latest one or the previous one I had.
No errors or anything regarding corail appears in the console. Neither at the beginning nor after death.
I'm also having the same problem.
My suspicion is that the Corail Tombstone mod, among other tombstone mods, use the latest version of forge 40.2.21 and mohist provides version 40.2.17.
I'm also having the same problem.
My suspicion is that the Corail Tombstone mod, among other tombstone mods, use the latest version of forge 40.2.21 and mohist provides version 40.2.17.
I am now involved in a new server. I use the latest version of Mohist (06/30/2024) and the version of Corail Tombstone for Forge 40.2.17 and the tombs still do not appear...