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[1.16.5] All mod properties on players lost after death
Minecraft Version : 1.16.5
Mohist Version : 923
Operating System : Linux
Logs : Nothing. It's just like normal
Mod list : mcwbridges, minecraft, ftbessentials, ftblibrary, bluemap, aoa3, creeperheal, bettercaves, quark, autoreglib, sit, performant, yungsapi, backpacked, upstream, betterstrongholds, randompatches, cfm, architectury, ferritecore, byg, forge, chinjufumod, bettermineshafts, betterendforge
Plugin list :
Description of issue : All mod properties on players(e.g. AoA3 skill level, the backpack from Travellers Backpack you are currently equipped) will be lost after death, even though the mod offers the option to keep them. Issue #1940 #1947 and #1954 is also about this situation.
#2003 also notes properties being reset on death
The respawn code looks a bit weird: why are things like id copied from the "old" player object to the "new" one, when both objects are identical?
I'm not entirely sure, but it assume mainly this line could be the part of this issue: This probably simply overrides the existing capabilities with new ones. Usually one could copy the capability data from the old player object afterwards, but that does not exist here, so the data is lost. Can you just call #reviveCaps here instead?
Probably fixed with
It also happens when a player change dimension.
It also happens when a player change dimension.
On the latest release? (933)
Yes, Mohist-1.16.5-933
It no longer happens when a player changes dimension, at least not as far as I tested it on 953