Modia.jl copied to clipboard
Installation problem
I tried to install Modia using Julia 1.11.2 and 1.11.3 but I receive the following error message
Precompiling project...
? Modia
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 17 seconds. 1031 already precompiled.
1 dependencies failed but may be precompilable after restarting julia
1 dependency had output during precompilation:
┌ Modia
│ Welcome to Modia - Dynamic Modeling and Simulation with Julia
│ Version 0.12.0 (2023-06-04)
│ WARNING: Method definition unit(MonteCarloMeasurements.AbstractParticles{T, N}) where {T, N} in module UnitfulExt at C:\Users\Chris.julia\packages\MonteCarloMeasurements\Blocw\ext\UnitfulExt.jl:16 overwritten in module Modia at C:\Users\Chris.julia\packages\Modia\77g2A\src\Modia.jl:154.
│ ERROR: Method overwriting is not permitted during Module precompilation. Use __precompile__(false)
to opt-out of precompilation.
How can this issue be resolved?