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Adding declarative, reactive and incremental rules to MPS

Results 26 dclareForMPS issues
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Resolves #131 Depends on ModelingValueGroup/dclare#45

The following rule triggers it: ``` rule if (propertyValue != null) { propertyValue.result := derivedValue; propertyValue.causes := assignments.reasonRefs.distinct.copy; } ``` the following change solves it: ``` rule if (propertyValue !=...


I notice that sometimes a number of thread from the the dclare ThreadPool endlessly loop in `ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue.helpComplete()`, they start using cpu cycles and will never stop. The only solution is...

**Procedure: Method Dispatch** 1. Compute the call signature: - Let *M* be the set of all methods. - Let *m**cs* be the method referenced at the call-site. - Let *s**cs*...
