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moDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation

Results 29 DALEX issues
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I'm trying to wrap a `fastai` tabular `learner` with DALEX. I got `'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'to_frame'` error with `dx.Explainer(learn, xs, y, label = "Deep NN")`. Any potential problems...

feature 💡
question ❔
Python 🐍

closes #503 hopefully fixes our CI and conda CI

Python 🐍
invalid ❕

In R package show_boxplots = TRUE would plot the permutations in feature importance In python model_parts, this parameter does not seem to exist. Or it is called something else?

feature 💡
Python 🐍

aSHAP values can be used to explain a set of observations, then they may by visualized with a waterfall plot.

feature 💡
R 🐳

possibly the cause of broken CI in https://github.com/conda-forge/dalex-feedstock/pull/6 set a temporary requirement for the dependencies: `werkzeug` < 2.1

Python 🐍
maintenance 🔨

Some random `numpy` error breaks our Python 3.10 CI https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71448239/valueerror-numpy-ndarray-size-changed-may-indicate-binary-incompatibility-exp

Python 🐍
maintenance 🔨

...and possibly remove the conversion from pandas to numpy in ShapWrapper. Then, `explainer.model_info['arrays_accepted']` would become redundant, which in fact fixes https://github.com/ModelOriented/DALEX/issues/507 by making the scikit Pipeline fail gracefully in the...

long term 📆
Python 🐍
maintenance 🔨

* codes are added to model_performance function. * proper documentation is added to DALEX reference. * NEWS.md is updated.