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Extending the API
It would be nice to have a file for extending the API.
Here is a example for extending CDOTA_BaseNPC
export {}
declare global {
interface CDOTA_BaseNPC {
GetAllAbilities(): CDOTABaseAbility[];
HasTalent(talentName: string): boolean;
GetTalent(talentName: string): number;
HasShard(): boolean,
GetMissingMana(): number,
GetAllAbilities(): CDOTABaseAbility[];
HasTalent(talentName: string): boolean;
GetTalent(talentName: string): number;
FindItemByName(itemName: string): CDOTA_Item | undefined;
RemoveItemByName(itemName: string): void;
IsRoshan(): boolean;
HasShard(): boolean;
interface CScriptParticleManager {
FireParticle(particleName:string, particleAttach: ParticleAttachment, owner: CBaseEntity|undefined): void;
interface CDOTA_Buff {
IsNull(): boolean;
interface CDOTA_PlayerResource {
GetAllPlayers() : CDOTAPlayer[],
CDOTA_BaseNPC.GetAllAbilities = function() {
let abilities: CDOTABaseAbility[] = [];
for (let i=0; i<DOTA_MAX_ABILITIES; i++) {
let ability = this.GetAbilityByIndex(i);
if (ability) {
return abilities;
CDOTA_BaseNPC.HasTalent = function (talentName: string) {
let talent = this.FindAbilityByName(talentName)
return talent ? talent.GetLevel()>0 : false;
CDOTA_BaseNPC.GetTalent = function (talentName: string) {
let talent = this.FindAbilityByName(talentName);
return talent ? talent.GetSpecialValueFor("value") : 0;
CDOTA_BaseNPC.HasShard = function() {
return this.HasModifier("modifier_item_aghanims_shard");
CDOTA_BaseNPC.GetMissingMana = function() {
return this.GetMaxMana() - this.GetMana();
CDOTA_BaseNPC.FindItemByName = function(itemName: string) {
for (let slot=0; slot<=16; slot++) {
const item = this.GetItemInSlot(slot);
if (item) return item;
return undefined;
CDOTA_BaseNPC.RemoveItemByName = function(itemName: string) {
const item = this.FindItemByName(itemName);
if (item) this.RemoveItem(item);
CDOTA_BaseNPC.IsRoshan = function() {
return this.GetName() == "npc_dota_roshan";
CScriptParticleManager.FireParticle = function(particleName: string, particleAttach: ParticleAttachment, owner: CBaseEntity | undefined) {
let particle = ParticleManager.CreateParticle(particleName, particleAttach, owner);
CDOTA_PlayerResource.GetAllPlayers = function() {
const players = new Array<CDOTAPlayer>();
for (let i=0; i<DOTA_MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
if (PlayerResource.IsValidPlayer(i)) {
const player = PlayerResource.GetPlayer(i);
if (player) players.push();
return players;
P.S.: I import the extended_api
-file in the GameMode.ts
-file. (import "./utils/extended_api";