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Add proxy support
update to the api git is also required PR is opened there as well
I support this, some testing is needed though.
@StealthyXor I will test this out for you, tried compiling and got a ton of errors, you got a compiled version I can try out? Thanks!
with the latest changed to the Niantic side throttling and IP limitations we need this asap lol!
@antfuentes87 yes
it will not compile until my my PR on the API is accepted as well it depends on them
@StealthyXor Oh ok, that makes sense, and thanks will test this out.
@StealthyXor Doing some testing, but figured this is not the best place to chat back and forth. Maybe Skype or Google Hangouts? Email me antfuentes87 [at] gmail if you want to get in touch with me, thanks.
Works fine with ptc login, but when I try to login via google I see a wall of exceptions:
[08:25:42] Logging in using account Google [08:25:44] System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Индекс находился вне границ массива. в DankMemes.GPSOAuthSharp.GoogleKeyUtils.ParseAuthResponse(String text) в DankMemes.GPSOAuthSharp.GPSOAuthClient.PerformAuthRequest(Dictionary
2 data) в DankMemes.GPSOAuthSharp.GPSOAuthClient.PerformMasterLogin(String service, String deviceCountry, String operatorCountry, String lang, Int32 sdkVersion) в PokemonGo.RocketAPI.Login.GoogleLoginGPSOAuth.DoLogin(String username, String password) в C:\Users\steal\Source\Repos\PokeMobBot\Pokemon-Go-Rocket-API\PokemonGo.RocketAPI\Login\GoogleLoginGPSOAuth.cs:строка 17 в PokemonGo.RocketAPI.Rpc.Login.<DoGoogleLogin>d__1.MoveNext() в C:\Users\steal\Source\Repos\PokeMobBot\Pokemon-Go-Rocket-API\PokemonGo.RocketAPI\Rpc\Login.cs:строка 30 --- Конец трассировка стека из предыдущего расположения, где возникло исключение --- в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult() в PoGo.PokeMobBot.Logic.State.LoginState.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext() в C:\Users\steal\Source\Repos\PokeMobBot\PoGo.PokeMobBot.Logic\State\LoginState.cs:строка 46 --- Конец трассировка стека из предыдущего расположения, где возникло исключение --- в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter
1.GetResult() в PoGo.PokeMobBot.Logic.State.StateMachine.<Start>d__3.MoveNext() в C:\Users\steal\Source\Repos\PokeMobBot\PoGo.PokeMobBot.Logic\State\StateMachine.cs:строка 37
I`m sitting behind TMG Forefront proxy
Maybe it connected with protocol changes, will try later again