Garrid Main
Garrid Main
I solved my problem using the H264+ in most cameras, it saved me basically 50% of disk occupation and reduced network traffic, the H264+ helped me a lot and it...
> I use this with Unraid as well, is there any reason you are using frigate inside of the addon instead of through the frigate docker container? It will most...
> > as the app store only has the CORE version (which is more limited). > > This is not true, every addon in HA OS is also in the...
I tried to install FRIGATE and HOME ASSISTANT from the UNRAID APPS store and I can't activate FRIGATE it is always red stopped, remember I'm very new to this server...
> You will need to create the config.yaml file if you haven't already. The Unraid app defaults it to /appdata/frigate/config.yaml checkout to setup inside this config.yaml file I must...
could you tell me what is the ID of the google coral flash drive that your UNRAID detects when entering the command in the lsusb terminal? 18d1:9302 or 1a6e:089a Global...
I'm having problems that I added 246 channels that I follow on Youtube on my FEED, however, channel updates do not occur almost often, take too long to load new...
> Do you have the setting enabled to proxy videos through Invidious? It is necessary to activate PROXY VIDEOS by INVIDIOUS ? In my case there is an option within...
> has the API disabled so it cannot be used in FreeTube. > > The proxy videos through Invidious is a separate setting in the player setting section, if...
> @Mkcein This is the "Proxy Videos Through Invidious" setting in the "Player Settings" section. Do you have it turned on or off?:  I tested it here and it...