android-app copied to clipboard
Missing x86_64 folder in ./app/src/main/cpp/*/lib with lib*.a files & Instructions to reproduce binaries in lib folders
building the app from tag v0.32.6
fail with error:
ninja: error: '/home/appuser/app/mixin/android-app/app/src/main/cpp/opus/lib/x86_64/libopusenc.a', needed by '/home/appuser/app/mixin/android-app/app/build/intermediates/cxx/RelWithDebInfo/5h42116x/obj/x86_64/', missing and no known rule
this happen even on alpine when installing libopusenc-dev
Containerfile debian based to reproduce:
RUN set -ex; \
mkdir -p /usr/share/man/man1/; \
apt-get update; \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install --yes -o APT::Install-Suggests=false --no-install-recommends \
openjdk-11-jdk git; \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; \
useradd -ms /bin/bash appuser;
USER appuser
ENV ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="/home/appuser/app/sdk" \
RUN set -ex; \
mkdir -p "/home/appuser/app/sdk/licenses" "/home/appuser/app/mixin/"; \
printf "\n24333f8a63b6825ea9c5514f83c2829b004d1fee" > "/home/appuser/app/sdk/licenses/android-sdk-license"; \
cd /home/appuser/app/mixin/; \
git clone; \
cd android-app; \
git checkout v0.32.6;
WORKDIR /home/appuser/app/mixin/android-app/
RUN set -ex; \
sed -i 's/PASTE_YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN_HERE/sk.eyJ1Ijoicm9vdHJvb3QxIiwiYSI6ImNrdXZvN3hnODBmeGoydXFmdm1wamZzYWkifQ.2tvLMLnZ2cAI4_yKlYEPCQ/g' ./; \
echo "{ \
\"project_info\": { \
\"project_number\": \"623252783566\", \
\"firebase_url\": \"\", \
\"project_id\": \"blockchaintest-ecd1c\", \
\"storage_bucket\": \"\" \
}, \
\"client\": [ \
{ \
\"client_info\": { \
\"mobilesdk_app_id\": \"1:623252783566:android:02baff6e6c46ed96232b9f\", \
\"android_client_info\": { \
\"package_name\": \"one.mixin.messenger\" \
} \
}, \
\"oauth_client\": [ \
{ \
\"client_id\": \"\", \
\"client_type\": 3 \
} \
], \
\"api_key\": [ \
{ \
\"current_key\": \"INSERT KEY HERE\" \
} \
], \
\"services\": { \
\"appinvite_service\": { \
\"other_platform_oauth_client\": [ \
{ \
\"client_id\": \"\", \
\"client_type\": 3 \
} \
] \
} \
} \
} \
], \
\"configuration_version\": \"1\" \
}" > /home/appuser/app/mixin/android-app/app/google-services.json;
Run ./gradlew assembleRelease
in it.
full error log:
C/C++: ninja: error: '/home/appuser/app/mixin/android-app/app/src/main/cpp/opus/lib/x86_64/libopusenc.a', needed by '/home/appuser/app/mixin/android-app/app/build/intermediates/cxx/RelWithDebInfo/5h42116x/obj/x86_64/', missing and no known rule to make it
> Task :app:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo FAILED
> Task :app:processReleaseManifestForPackage
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo'.
> Build command failed.
Error while executing process /home/appuser/app/sdk/cmake/ with arguments {-C /home/appuser/app/mixin/android-app/app/.cxx/RelWithDebInfo/5h42116x/x86_64 mixin rlottie}
ninja: Entering directory `/home/appuser/app/mixin/android-app/app/.cxx/RelWithDebInfo/5h42116x/x86_64'
ninja: error: '/home/appuser/app/mixin/android-app/app/src/main/cpp/opus/lib/x86_64/libopusenc.a', needed by '/home/appuser/app/mixin/android-app/app/build/intermediates/cxx/RelWithDebInfo/5h42116x/obj/x86_64/', missing and no known rule to make it
These libraries can be compiled from
The problem is that in directory: There only folders:
arm64-v8a/ armeabi-v7a/ x86/
That contain files:
libogg.a libopus.a libopusenc.a
But no folder x86_64
that also need to contain above files.
Also script to re-create (by compiling) above files is needed, how they was compiled or from where they was downloaded, they can be downloaded from:
and also needed the file: ./app/src/main/cpp/rlottie/lib/x86_64/librlottie_internal.a
@crossle Should we add x86_64 support to the project ?
@crossle Should we add x86_64 support to the project ?
It's ok to support x86_64, we publish on google play use app bundle. but the universal apk will be bigger than before.
Workaround for this issue is to run commands before ./gradlew assembleRelease
that will build release variant:
keytool -genkey -alias mixin_alias -keystore app/mixin.pfx -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -storepass mixin_alias -keypass mixin_alias -validity 10000 -dname CN=IL; \
printf "\nRELEASE_STORE_FILE=mixin.pfx\nRELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD=mixin_alias\nRELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD=mixin_alias\nRELEASE_KEY_ALIAS=mixin_alias\n" >>;
as the code will build release variant only if RELEASE_STORE_FILE
is specified (even when using assembleRelease
it's not enough) which use different abiFilters without x86 that cause the build failure in this issue (affect debug variant)