Mixiaoxiao (Wang Bin)
Mixiaoxiao (Wang Bin)
Your WiFi connection is unstable and your WiFi is unconnected while pairing. Every line 'WiFi connected, ip: xxxxxx' shows that your WiFi reconnected. Note: Do NOT use WiFi HOSPOT.
Try https://github.com/Mixiaoxiao/Arduino-HomeKit-ESP8266/commit/8a8fd7b9afec4a00449da770470012814912d1f9 The idea is from [BbIKTOP-issues80](https://github.com/Yurik72/ESPHap/issues/80#issuecomment-803685175)
Hi, guy, it is not my duty to teach you how to code. `#include ` `const char *ssid = "your-ssid";` `const char *password = "your-password";`
Again, it is not my duty to teach you how to code. I will not give any feedback in this issue, since it is really not an issue about this...
It depends how your lights work. DC or AC, PWM or current control, etc. There is no common way.
Refer to the HAP doc. See legcy/simple_led to know how to define a light_bulb with brightness control.
Possible and simple. Write your logic code, guy.
There is a method `yourFastScrollRecyclerView.getDelegate().setThumbDynamicHeight(isDynamicHeight)`. - isDynamicHeight=true, the thumb-height will be calculated by the full list size and the visible size; - isDynamicHeight=false, the thumb-height will be a fixed size;...
Thanks for your great jod. I think this feature is useful for many apps.
Could you show me the crash log here? > 在 2016年11月5日,18:13,Sadeq [email protected] 写道: > > Sorry for my English ! > > when i have 40.000 item in recyclerview ,...