This map looks absolutely amazing overall. The only two things I don't like is the brig is quite less secure than Delta or Cyberiad with the multiple doors that can...
I actually didn't even notice that processing was fully visible and accessible from the public hallway...that actually is a really big problem in my opinion. It only compounds the issue...
> * it being accessible means i can actually _get a hold of them_ if i need to. You can contact officers on comms or VIA PDA. Lessening the security...
The recent changes to the brig area with processing alleviated all my current concerns with the map. I'll give it another once over once I'm feeling better, but it already...
Still exists.
Is there a way to simply disable it in the config for roundstart while keeping it as something that admins can link the gateway too?(Not actually sure if that's possible...
Changelings are hard enough to identify as they are. We don't need more of them randomly appearing in a round imo. Not to mention how absolutely murderboney they can get.