
Results 28 comments of MistyDreams

I also tried the opengl option (nVidSelect 1) that has issues on windows switch and fullscreen on both machines. It has extra problems but you can see it shifts to...

Sorry for the confusion I will try clarify. wayland = shifts to right from windowed to fullscreen. Ill stick to xorg for here on the machine thats not working because...

Hi just done some testing the is one bug I can see from -fullscreen is keeping a 3:4 aspect ratio for vertical games. The xorg path in wayland is centring...

here is the picture of the vertical issue. ![Screenshot from 2022-08-19 21-49-30](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/105502489/185705437-1d7a369b-4a03-4b11-a72f-25a10237a134.png) ![Screenshot from 2022-08-19 21-50-02](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/105502489/185705446-8d47b601-5d9d-48e5-b7f5-388a040d2cf3.png)

Ive tested your changes compiled it myself good news is it all works. The machine that is being picky in xorg is displaying different behavior on windowed mode toggle if...

just done a pull zero issue on Xorg job well done once again thanks for taking the time to look into this is really appreciated! Its really strange behavior same...

can confirm this happens with me as well on standalone and libretro

what target are you trying to compile ? make mingwcc Should get you where want to be on linux for the windows build. git clean -xfd to clean as the...

I did compile it fine but without setting up the mingw env vars. I think entries need added to the app.rc . Not very well versed on windows better left...

The sdl2 port should be workable you would know better though. Paint is here https://github.com/finalburnneo/FBNeo/blob/8e7ca894e3b876c43ab0815e9e2eba998fea15f3/src/intf/video/sdl/vid_sdl2.cpp#L365 here is a patch to compile your fbneo crt.cpp so you can test locally if...