Gabriel Fontes
Gabriel Fontes
Hey, just wanted to let you (and anyone else possibly following this thread) know that loading YAML schemes is now supported :) Rendering templates should come soonish (not a priority,...
Hey! I think the issue is that you're getting `nix-colors` from the module argument and passing it to `extraSpecialArgs`, thus creating an infinite recursion. Try this (don't pass `extraSpecialArgs`, but...
> Believe this is to be done to the configuration.nix but it's not clear to me how this needs to be formatted. Sorry if the README doesn't make it very...
Hey @MLarsenPR. I totally missed your comment, sorry :( If you're still facing trouble, try this ```nix let nix-colors = import { }; in { imports = [ nix-colors.homeManagerModules.colorschemes ];...
This was really annoying when trying to set up a custom theme matching my system. For anyone browsing this, here's a quick way to fix it: - Open devtools (go...
Hey! Just adding them to `overlay/default.nix` (if you're using the `standard` template) should work.
Sorry for the delay. The idea is that you can add as many overlays as yout want, e.g. import them from a file or declare them directly. Then you just...
As for a dual nixpkgs (stable+unstable) setup: In this example I'll add a `hello-unstable` and `neovim-unstable` that come from nixos-unstable. `flake.nix` ```nix { # ... inputs = { nixpkgs.url =...
Hope these examples help you folks out!
Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't aware the color setting was something standardized. I guess my provider doesn't support syncing colors. Khal has a [config option for manually setting colors](,...