Antonin Décimo

Results 77 comments of Antonin Décimo

IMO it's mostly ok to break the API if you submit PRs to all user, which we _can_ do because we're the users. And I've been doing that quite often.

I was just about to report this issue! Login shells load the first file (in that order) of `.bash_profile`, `.bash_login`, `.profile`. Opam could search for the files and suggest to...

1. > (they mention .bash_profile, but it seems all Linux distros nowadays ship .profile instead). Arch Linux ships `.bash_profile`: 2. > The rest depends (in part) on the following...

Agreed with let-def, no special need for a new dependency. I've taken a look at spawn and I have a couple of patches for spawn on Windows, that I'll tidy...

In merlin on Windows we're already using `CreateProcess` so adding a cwd argument should be easy. On other OSes, I guess the only reason we're calling `system(3)` is to redirect...

> I don't think opam should get into the business of trying to kill sub-processes when an error has been detected (this is likely to be a stability disaster on...

Might be interesting to checkout this patch to GCC, allowing compilation of unmodified code with Cosmo, by compiler rewriting uses of preprocessor constants. Does Lwt builds unmodified with this...

Tables will be part of odoc 2.3.0, currently in development and unreleased.

odoc.2.3.0 has been released!

Maybe we could use [happy-eyeballs]( instead of dig? I'm concerned that dig may not be available on the platform (Windows…). Happy-eyeballs also gracefully handles IPv6 to IPv4 degradation, and it's...