Baptiste Morisse
Baptiste Morisse
Hi there, could you be a bit more specific? What do you have in mind?
Hi @denisb411 , Hi all! @denisb411 I think your post misses a few thinks, notably the change you have to perform on the file, and the config file you...
I am sorry but could you be more precise? The best way would be to open a dedicated Issue, as your problems may not be the same as @denisb411 ....
Hi again, Thanks for the more detailed post! I still do not understand what you did: a full training on your custom dataset, or just an evaluation using some pre...
I am referring to the lines in the original file, as you may have modified it locally. I refer I think to the lines after line 115 in your screenshot....
What do you mean, poor quality? :) I am trying to understand if the issue is in the code, or if it is a more general "ML related issue", meaning:...
> > I am referring to the lines in the original file, as you may have modified it locally. I refer I think to the lines after line 115 in...
Hi @kuailexiaohunzi , If I am not mistaken, in your last post you show images at epoch 0 ? Meaning, no training has occured ? I deeply believe that there...
Hi there, Here are my foughts: 1. I do not think you have any trouble with the code itself, even with using a custom dataset. At least, there is nothing...
Behind the curtain, the call to model is exactly model.forward :)