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Serverless Python

Results 121 Zappa issues
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I am trying to certify custom domain to a application. The domain is configured on Route53, and I've uploaded the certificate to ACM and got its arn But when I...


## Context When invoking tasks a TypeError is raised as zappa tries to JSON encode the LambdaContext object. ## Expected Behavior The task should be invoked ## Actual Behavior A...

I did: 1. created a IAM with full `administrativeAccess` 2. Install Zappa on venv 3. Init Zappa 4. Zappa deploy dev Now getting error. I am confusing with AWS ROLE...

## Context I am using connexion for my Flask application. I am getting a 404 error \ while accessing teh endpoint. I have tried to dummy down the issue I...

## Description This commit introduces `.gitignore` style patterns to customize what files can be excluded from a project's package. ## GitHub Issues

## Context Directories not ignored as expected. The zappa_settings.json looks like this. Note that I am using .gitignore notation for ignoring the directories. ```python { "production": { "s3_bucket": "nueverest",...

help wanted

**Update September 2019**: This issue + comment originally laid out a proposal to make project directory a configurable setting in Zappa, as a way of getting GeoDjango to work more...

If the LambdaHandler fails to initialize, the lambda stays in the failed state until AWS stops it. This change causes the initializer to continue to attempt to initialize the LambdaHandler...

I am trying to deploy a Django app with Zappa using. I have created virtualenv using pyenv. ## Context Following commands confirms the correct virtualenv ``` ▶ pyenv which zappa...

Hey, I'm having a similar problem mentioned in the duplicate. The only difference is, the solution mentioned is not working. I've put hours to debug it but nothing successful. Kindly...