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ncnn example: mask detection: anticonv face detection: retinaface&&mtcnn&&centerface, track: iou tracking, landmark: zqcnn, recognize: mobilefacenet classifier: mobilenet object detecter: mobilenetss...


I promise i'll update this project forever!


时间 更新内容
20210612 1.update the ncnn lib to 20210525
20201024 1.add retinaface keypoints;2.add visual studio scripts
20200806 1.add insightface 106 landmarks;2.optimize the CMakeLists.txt
20200310 1.add mask detect code; 2.optimize the name of retinaface;3.update ncnn lib version to newest: 20200226
20200223 1. add vulkan option;2. fix the network name of mobilenetssd
20200222 1. split the model files from the project;2. add classifier && add object detecter ;

2.How to use?

  • (1). download the models from baiduyun: baidu(code: w48b) and google
  • (2). put models to directory: ncnn_example/data/models
  • (3). replace ncnn lib compiled on your system
  • (4). compile the project:
>> cd ncnn_example && mkdir build && cd build && make -j3 
  • (5). run the project:
>> cd src && ./face && ./object && ./classifier
  • (6). result
  • face result: 图片
  • mask result: 图片
  • object result: 图片
  • classifier result: 图片

3. TODO:

  • [x] add yolo
  • [x] add pose
  • [x] refactor the project

4. references