Pretty much any non-military creep that needs to leave the room shouldn't be spawned while under attack. They'll might just run right into the enemy. A more stable variant might...
Example: A road right next to the entrance has been destroyed by an attacker, and through trying to rebuild it, a builder creep gets into range of the attackers
The current trade network code just tries to spread resources across rooms relatively evenly, making sure every room has access to pretty much every resource we own. This works, but...
- Build temporary ramparts to save some buildings - Move most creeps out of the room if possible - Spawn defenders in anticipation of follow-up attack
Support all structures needed for room defense, but ignore less important tasks like generating power.
When an attack is detected via #9, adjust priorities for builder creeps so ramparts (ideally those on the invader's side of the room) get repaired to extend the time we...
When enough resources are available, add safe modes to a room that has less than a certain amount. Especially once #10 gets done.