FluxBB_by_Visman copied to clipboard
I tried to install the newest version and then the master under Xampp php8.1- but i get no selection for sqlite3 and when i start the installation (without db-parameters): Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: .... Can You update the readme with installation details for sqlite3 please
Extensions must be allowed in php.ini: sqlite3 for SQLite pgsql for PostgreSQL
php in windows:
Sorry -
but i get no long dropdown with sqlite 3 ( php 8.1.16 ):
Must i do someting else ?
php 8.1.16
8.1.11 max
No sqlite 3 present (phpinfo) At xampp it needs some more .... just what I installed it under plesk in the web - here the menu comes.
For Windows, the \ext\php_sqlite3.dll file must be present. For Linux, you need to separately install SQLite on the system, since starting with php 7.4 (if I'm not mistaken) SQLite does not come with php.
I have the SQLite 3.x driver for PDO (phpinfo) - and php/ext/php_sqlite3.dll is present.
SQLite 3.x driver for PDO
It's a different driver. FluxBB does not use PDO.
It should be sqlite3 (it is usually on the phpinfo page below)
Show your screenshot, please.
P.S. I have now tested the installation in php 8.1.10 for sqlite3. No installation problems were detected. Win7.
Sorry - i said i can just find the active pdo and no sqlite3 though both are activated. I tried to create a database on commandline with error. Sqlite is not active. In the web under plesk Onyx it functions - i do not want to publish the web-link here (if You want to see it post Your email at typesetter5.bplaced.net please -> Kontakt)
Nevertheless - i come back after i found a solution...thanks
Xampp and Sqlite: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61390069/xampp-wont-connect-with-sqlite-could-not-find-driver https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61086512/xampp-v3-2-4-enabling-sqlite3-windows-10-64bit