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Free-Artists - NFT Profiles

Open useriff opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Mintbase Grant Proposal

This document will be part of the terms and conditions of your agreement and therefore needs to contain all the required information about the project. Don't remove any of the mandatory parts presented in bold letters or as headlines. Blockquote sections starting with a > (such as this one) can be removed. See the Grants Program Process on how to submit a proposal.

  • Project Name: Free-Artists - News & Proposal Storage
  • Team Name: Free-Artists Inc.
  • Payment Address: freeartists.near
  • Level: 2

⚠️ The combination of your GitHub account submitting the application and the payment address above will be your unique identifier during the program. Please keep them safe.

Project Overview :page_facing_up:

If this application is in response to an RFP, please indicate this on the first line of this section.

If this is an application for a follow-up grant (the continuation of an earlier, successful Mintbase grant), please provide name and/or pull request of said grant on the first line of this section.


We're building a fan financing platform (; where fans can contribute & participate in the upside of the full revenue of a creator.

Free-Artists is a P2P creator financing platform initially focused on creating better financial deals for creators ( artists). The traditional label model/system suffers from a lack of transparency, and often features bad economics (90/10 revenue splits in favor of record labels). In these deals, artists often lose control of their projects. Free-Artists will allow creators to raise capital directly from their fans in exchange for revenue rights. This puts artists in control of their contracts, enabling more fair economics and full autonomy. Our protocol is built on the blockchain, which at scale will allow it to run as a community-owned and fully transparent public utility. Our core team has hyper-relevant experience: finance, music and Web3 infrastructure. We also have a deep network of innovative artists and industry professionals rooting for us to build this for them. Free-Artists is not a self-referential DeFi project like many are today–it coordinates capital on-chain, deploys it off-chain into the real world and then brings the resultant value back on-chain.

After launching the smart contract (for revenue distribution) on Aurora testnet last week (and mainnet this coming week), we're planning to build an automated proposal build & the ability to share updates. We'd love to explore using permanent web storages with Mintbase for transparency & the ability to present personalized recommendations for backers & creators. Proper tracking & cleaning of this data is crucial to build out recommendations, which is why we're excited to build with you.

Project Details

  • Mockups/designs of any UI components -
  • Pitch Deck -
  • Details & Tech Implementation -
  • White-Paper -

Ecosystem Fit

Help us locate your project in the Mintbase landscape and what problems it tries to solve by answering each of these questions:

  • Building out a kyc/social media implementation using mintbase+arweave as storage -> in the future could even provide a way for artists to update their profiles w/ data -> uploading videos, music, pdfs (fleshed out investment proposals), etc.
  • Target Audience - creators (working with DAOs, NFT distribution platforms, etc.)
  • Existing Mintbase/NEAR ecosystem platforms are NFT distribution (monetization focused); whereas Free-Artists is financing projects pre-value creation.

Team :busts_in_silhouette:

Team members

  • Harrison Lee
  • Chris Creatura, Stevie, Madeleine, Weavik


Legal Structure

  • Registered Address: Free-Artists Inc., 38 Cameron St., Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2H1
  • Registered Legal Entity: Free-Artists Corporation

Team's experience

Our team is uniquely positioned to build this protocol as we have unique, but highly relevant, backgrounds and united by a common interest in the arts and a passion for improving outcomes for creators. Combined, we have an extensive network of creators, music/film industry professionals, investors, Web3 builders, and advisors.


  • Christopher Creatura: a CPA and former investment banker. Business development advisor to multiple tech and blockchain startups. Most recently led growth at Firefly Exchange, a derivatives DEX on Polkadot/Moonbeam. Deep crypto, finance and VC network.
  • Harrison Lee: Serial Entrepreneur (deep-tech founder for creators), multiple hackathon winner (incl. Ivey Business School Leadership award) & product lead at media/entertainment firm - his value is derived from expertise building high-impact product with scarce resources, from a deep experience of creative education systems/architecture, and an industry network (LiveNation, Sony/AWAL, etc) with a ready reach of 5M+ transactions.
  • Stevie Trim: a director of marketing and partnerships at a Web3 product house as well as a former DMZ company founder for an ed-tech platform. Currently moonlights as a script writer and musician with his performance group The New People, who have created and released a variety of projects through the Canada Council For The Arts & Ontario arts council. With steady audience growth MoM, his experience building his own legal contracts & revenue collection processes are critical.


  • Madeleine: community manager (sweatcoin, - grown communities from 500 to 27,000 (no paid ads, no bots, 12% engagement during peak bear market)
  • Weavik: design/dev shop experienced in crowdsourced equity & web3 platforms
  • Aaron: finance/legal for web3 (credentialed lawyer)

Team Code Repos

  • testnet launch:

Please also provide the GitHub accounts of all team members. If they contain no activity, references to projects hosted elsewhere or live are also fine.

Engineers (working on Free-Artists MVP)

  • engineer focused on Mintbase project:

Team LinkedIn Profiles (if available)

Business/Product Architecture

  • Chris:
  • Harrison:
  • Stevie:

Development Status :open_book:

If you've already started implementing your project or it is part of a larger repository, please provide a link and a description of the code here. In any case, please provide some documentation on the research and other work you have conducted before applying. This could be:

  • after speaking with Paul K at length, the permanent web storage is a great option for Free-Artists to store relevant data & use to present tailored recommendations.

Development Roadmap :nut_and_bolt:

For each milestone,

  • include documentation (tutorials, API specifications, architecture diagrams, whatever is appropriate) in each milestone. This ensures that the code can be widely used by the community.
  • provide a test suite, comprising unit and integration tests, along with a guide on how to set up and run them.
  • commit to providing Dockerfiles for the delivery of your project.
  • indicate milestone duration as well as number of full-time employees working on each milestone.
  • Deliverables 0a-0d are mandatory for all milestones, and deliverable 0e at least for the last one. If you do not intend to deliver one of these, please state a reason in its specification (e.g. Milestone X is research oriented and as such there is no code to test).


  • Total Estimated Duration: 3 months
  • Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 1 FTE
  • Total Costs: $50,000

Milestone 1 - Profile NFTs

  • Estimated duration: 1 month
  • FTE: 1
  • Costs: 20,000 USD

| 1 | Develop profile NFT and required parameters using mintbase.js + platform. Includes design of NFT (something like the uniswap NFT w/ a scrolling banner and cool colors matching your brand colors. The profile NFT will also include social media info using phyllo api.

Milestone 2 — Integrate profile NFT w/ user flow on Free Artist’s front-end

  • Estimated Duration: 1 month
  • FTE: 1
  • Costs: 15,000 USD

Milestone 3 Example — Build out recommendation system for investors and filtration/filtering w/ data cleaning

  • Estimated Duration: 1 month
  • FTE: 1
  • Costs: 15,000 USD


Future Plans

  • every creator that goes through KYC will be creating their own profile NFT
  • overtime during decentralization; backers will be presented the most relevant projects & clear information about them
  • will be deploying on NEAR native (currently on Aurora) in the next year; with the need to also build a marketplace for secondary markets/liquidity

Additional Information :heavy_plus_sign:

How did you hear about the Grants Program? Paul K recommended us!

Here you can also add any additional information that you think is relevant to this application but isn't part of it already, such as:

  • NEAR $50k grant from MVP -> hit milestones & deployed on Aurora mainnet

  • To see the specific tasks where the Asana app for GitHub is being used, see below:

useriff avatar Oct 19 '22 22:10 useriff