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GAN series for voice conversion on VCC2018 dataset


GAN series for voice conversion on VCC2018 dataset

This is a voice conversion repository including cyclegan-vc, stargan-vc, stargan-vc2 and some other variants

This work is still in progress, more GAN models will be included

This work is based on repository stargan-vc, stargan-vc2 and cyclegan-vc


  1. Python3
  2. PyTorch 0.4.1
  3. Pyworld


  1. stgan: stargan-vc1 from https://github.com/liusongxiang/StarGAN-Voice-Conversion
  2. stgan2: stargan-vc2 from https://github.com/SamuelBroughton/StarGAN-Voice-Conversion-2
  3. stgan1_cin: stargan-vc1 + generator with conditional instance normalization + speaker classifier
  4. stgan2_new: stargan-vc2 + patchgan discriminator + only target condition in generator and discriminator + no speaker classifier + gradient penalty
  5. stgan2_ls: stargan-vc2 + projection discriminator (as in the paper) + source and target conditions in generator and discriminator + LSGAN adversarial loss
  6. cycgan: cyclegan-vc1



Modify according to your own conda env and hyper-params



Modify according to your own conda env and hyper-params



Objective Evaluation


This evaluation calculate Mel Cepstral Distortion (MCD) and Modulation Spectral Distance (MSD) as in stargan-vc2 paper.

However, this script can not get the same score as the paper.