Realtime-point-light-shadows-in-unity-URP copied to clipboard
Added support for real-time point light shadows of unity 2020 URP
Status: In progress
unity 2019的URP是不支持实时点光源阴影的,我们可以通过修改urp管线来实现:
// UniversalRP doesn't support additional directional lights or point light shadows yet
// 遇到下述光照类型时才考虑计算光照,我们要把点光也给加上:
if (visibleLights[i].lightType == LightType.Spot && light != null && light.shadows != LightShadows.None){
additionalLightsCastShadows = true;
// 加入点光的情况,也让他计算阴影
if ( (visibleLights[i].lightType == LightType.Spot || visibleLights[i].lightType == LightType.Point) && light != null && light.shadows != LightShadows.None){
additionalLightsCastShadows = true;
接下来,如果判断additionalLightsCastShadows为真 →就会进入到AdditionalLightsShadowCasterPass.cs这个脚本,进行ShadowMap 图集的绘制,我们可以仿照Spot Light的写法,使用ShadowUtils.cs绘制ShadowMap并进行图集的Index管理:
Spot Light ShadowMap绘制的写法(Setup阶段):
if (lightType == LightType.Spot)
// 提取Spot Light的view matrix,project matrix,获得ShadowTransform
bool success = ShadowUtils.ExtractSpotLightMatrix(ref renderingData.cullResults,
ref renderingData.shadowData,
out var shadowTransform,
out m_AdditionalLightsShadowSlices[globalShadowSliceIndex].viewMatrix,
out m_AdditionalLightsShadowSlices[globalShadowSliceIndex].projectionMatrix);
if (success)
// 确定这个光源会造成阴影,加入待渲染ShadowMap的列表
var light = shadowLight.light;
float shadowStrength = light.shadowStrength;
// 设置好阴影参数 -> [阴影强度,是否启用Soft-Shadows,光源类型(Spot?Point?),Index偏置]
float softShadows = (supportsSoftShadows && light.shadows == LightShadows.Soft) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
Vector4 shadowParams = new Vector4(shadowStrength, softShadows, LightTypeIdentifierInShadowParams_Spot, perLightFirstShadowSliceIndex);
if (m_UseStructuredBuffer)
m_AdditionalLightsShadowData[globalShadowSliceIndex].worldToShadowMatrix = shadowTransform;
m_AdditionalLightsShadowData[globalShadowSliceIndex].shadowParams = shadowParams;
// 保存 图集中该ShadowMap的Index -> WorldShadowMatrix的映射关系
m_AdditionalLightShadowSliceIndexTo_WorldShadowMatrix[globalShadowSliceIndex] = shadowTransform;
// 保存 GlobalLightIndex -> ShadowedAdditionalLightIndex的映射关系
m_GlobalLightIndexToShadowedAdditionalLightIndex[globalLightIndex] = validShadowCastingLightsCount;
// 保存该Index的阴影参数
m_ShadowedAdditionalLightIndexToShadowParams[validShadowCastingLightsCount] = shadowParams;
// 确定渲染该ShadowMap(没有被剔除)
isValidShadowSlice = true;
// 确定这个光源会造成阴影
isValidShadowCastingLight = true;
不同于Spot Light的是,Point Light需要取样6次(上下左右前后),而Spot Light只需要取样一次,所以当判断 lightType == LightType.Point 时,加入6次ShadowMap的渲染请求:
private int GetPunctualLightShadowSlicesCount(in LightType lightType)
switch (lightType)
case LightType.Spot:
return 1;
case LightType.Point:
return 6;
return 0;
for (int globalLightIndex = 0; globalLightIndex < visibleLights.Length && m_ShadowSliceToGlobalLightIndex.Count < totalShadowSlicesCount; ++globalLightIndex)
VisibleLight shadowLight = visibleLights[globalLightIndex];
LightType lightType = shadowLight.lightType;
// 根据光源种类进行迭代
int perLightShadowSlicesCount = GetPunctualLightShadowSlicesCount(lightType);
int perLightFirstShadowSliceIndex = m_ShadowSliceToGlobalLightIndex.Count; // shadowSliceIndex within the global array of all shadowed additional lights
for (int perLightShadowSlice = 0; perLightShadowSlice < perLightShadowSlicesCount; ++perLightShadowSlice)
int globalShadowSliceIndex = m_ShadowSliceToGlobalLightIndex.Count; // shadowSliceIndex within the global array of all shadowed additional lights
if (lightType == LightType.Spot)
有了上面的基础,我们就可以写采样Point Light CubeMap的函数了:
else if (lightType == LightType.Point)
float fovBias = GetPointLightShadowFrustumFovBiasInDegrees(sliceResolution, (shadowLight.light.shadows == LightShadows.Soft));
// store fovBias in spotAngle because it is used to compute ShadowUtils.GetShadowBias
shadowLight.spotAngle = 90 + fovBias;
bool success = ShadowUtils.ExtractPointLightMatrix(ref renderingData.cullResults,
ref renderingData.shadowData,
fovBias/* fovBias in degrees (adds to the 90 deg. of a face frustum fov, avoids missing shadows at faces boundaries) - HDRP calls HDShadowUtils.CalcGuardAnglePerspective to compute a precise value */,
out var shadowTransform,
out m_AdditionalLightsShadowSlices[globalShadowSliceIndex].viewMatrix,
out m_AdditionalLightsShadowSlices[globalShadowSliceIndex].projectionMatrix);
if (success)
var light = shadowLight.light;
float shadowStrength = light.shadowStrength;
float softShadows = (supportsSoftShadows && light.shadows == LightShadows.Soft) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
Vector4 shadowParams = new Vector4(shadowStrength, softShadows, LightTypeIdentifierInShadowParams_Point, perLightFirstShadowSliceIndex);
if (m_UseStructuredBuffer)
m_AdditionalLightsShadowData[globalShadowSliceIndex].worldToShadowMatrix = shadowTransform;
m_AdditionalLightsShadowData[globalShadowSliceIndex].shadowParams = shadowParams;
m_AdditionalLightShadowSliceIndexTo_WorldShadowMatrix[globalShadowSliceIndex] = shadowTransform;
m_GlobalLightIndexToShadowedAdditionalLightIndex[globalLightIndex] = validShadowCastingLightsCount;
m_ShadowedAdditionalLightIndexToShadowParams[validShadowCastingLightsCount] = shadowParams;
isValidShadowSlice = true;
isValidShadowCastingLight = true;
public static bool ExtractPointLightMatrix(ref CullingResults cullResults, ref ShadowData shadowData, int shadowLightIndex, CubemapFace cubemapFace, float fovBias, out Matrix4x4 shadowMatrix, out Matrix4x4 viewMatrix, out Matrix4x4 projMatrix)
ShadowSplitData splitData;
bool success = cullResults.ComputePointShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives(shadowLightIndex, cubemapFace, fovBias, out viewMatrix, out projMatrix, out splitData); // returns false if input parameters are incorrect (rare)
// In native API CullingResults.ComputeSpotShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives there is code that inverts the 3rd component of shadow-casting spot light's "world-to-local" matrix (it was so since its original addition to the code base):
// However native API CullingResults.ComputePointShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives does not contain this transformation.
// As a result, the view matrices returned for a point light shadow face, and for a spot light with same direction as that face, have opposite 3rd component.
// This causes normalBias to be incorrectly applied to shadow caster vertices during the point light shadow pass.
// To counter this effect, we invert the point light shadow view matrix component here:
viewMatrix.m10 = -viewMatrix.m10;
viewMatrix.m11 = -viewMatrix.m11;
viewMatrix.m12 = -viewMatrix.m12;
viewMatrix.m13 = -viewMatrix.m13;
shadowMatrix = GetShadowTransform(projMatrix, viewMatrix);
return success;
在setup该帧的结尾,会计算每个Slice的Offset值,对他们根据Index进行排序并计算world Matrix:
// 从头开始遍历所有待渲染的Shadow Slice
int sliceIndex = 0;
//int shadowCastingLightsBufferCount = m_ShadowSlicesToAdditionalLightGlobalIndices.Count;
// 设定默认值
Matrix4x4 sliceTransform = Matrix4x4.identity;
sliceTransform.m00 = sliceResolution * oneOverAtlasWidth;
sliceTransform.m11 = sliceResolution * oneOverAtlasHeight;
for (int globalShadowSliceIndex = 0; globalShadowSliceIndex < shadowCastingLightsBufferCount; ++globalShadowSliceIndex)
int globalLightIndex = m_ShadowSliceToGlobalLightIndex[globalShadowSliceIndex];
int shadowedAdditionalLightIndex = m_GlobalLightIndexToShadowedAdditionalLightIndex[globalLightIndex];
// we can skip the slice if strength is zero. Some slices with zero
// strength exists when using uniform array path.
if (!m_UseStructuredBuffer && ( shadowedAdditionalLightIndex==-1 || Mathf.Approximately(m_ShadowedAdditionalLightIndexToShadowParams[shadowedAdditionalLightIndex].x, 0.0f) ))
// 根据图片的Index值来计算Offset
m_AdditionalLightsShadowSlices[globalShadowSliceIndex].offsetX = (sliceIndex % shadowSlicesPerRow) * sliceResolution;
m_AdditionalLightsShadowSlices[globalShadowSliceIndex].offsetY = (sliceIndex / shadowSlicesPerRow) * sliceResolution;
m_AdditionalLightsShadowSlices[globalShadowSliceIndex].resolution = sliceResolution;
sliceTransform.m03 = m_AdditionalLightsShadowSlices[globalShadowSliceIndex].offsetX * oneOverAtlasWidth;
sliceTransform.m13 = m_AdditionalLightsShadowSlices[globalShadowSliceIndex].offsetY * oneOverAtlasHeight;
// We bake scale and bias to each shadow map in the atlas in the matrix.
// saves some instructions in shader.
if (m_UseStructuredBuffer)
// With the introduction of point light shadows, the number of shadow slices becomes different from the number of punctual lights.
// Therefore light data and shadow slice data must be stored in different structured buffers (of different sizes).
// TODO: Check and fix "Structured Buffers" code path - Possibly use one SSBO for light data and one for shadow slice data (same as UBO code path)
m_AdditionalLightsShadowData[globalShadowSliceIndex].worldToShadowMatrix = sliceTransform * m_AdditionalLightsShadowData[globalShadowSliceIndex].worldToShadowMatrix;
m_AdditionalLightShadowSliceIndexTo_WorldShadowMatrix[globalShadowSliceIndex] = sliceTransform * m_AdditionalLightShadowSliceIndexTo_WorldShadowMatrix[globalShadowSliceIndex];
当Index = 0时,SliceTransform =
当Index = 1时,SliceTransform =
当Index = 5时,SliceTransform =
Light GetAdditionalPerObjectLight(intperObjectLightIndex, float3 positionWS)
// Abstraction over Light input constants
float4 lightPositionWS = _AdditionalLightsBuffer[perObjectLightIndex].position;
half3 color = _AdditionalLightsBuffer[perObjectLightIndex].color.rgb;
half4 distanceAndSpotAttenuation = _AdditionalLightsBuffer[perObjectLightIndex].attenuation;
half4 spotDirection = _AdditionalLightsBuffer[perObjectLightIndex].spotDirection;
half4 lightOcclusionProbeInfo = _AdditionalLightsBuffer[perObjectLightIndex].occlusionProbeChannels;
float4 lightPositionWS = _AdditionalLightsPosition[perObjectLightIndex];
half3 color = _AdditionalLightsColor[perObjectLightIndex].rgb;
half4 distanceAndSpotAttenuation = _AdditionalLightsAttenuation[perObjectLightIndex];
half4 spotDirection = _AdditionalLightsSpotDir[perObjectLightIndex];
half4 lightOcclusionProbeInfo = _AdditionalLightsOcclusionProbes[perObjectLightIndex];
// Directional lights store direction in and have .w set to 0.0.
// This way the following code will work for both directional and punctual lights.
float3 lightVector = - positionWS * lightPositionWS.w;
floatdistanceSqr = max(dot(lightVector, lightVector), HALF_MIN);
half3 lightDirection = half3(lightVector * rsqrt(distanceSqr));
halfattenuation = DistanceAttenuation(distanceSqr, distanceAndSpotAttenuation.xy) * AngleAttenuation(, lightDirection,;
Light light;
light.direction = lightDirection;
light.distanceAttenuation = attenuation;
light.shadowAttenuation = AdditionalLightRealtimeShadow(perObjectLightIndex, positionWS, lightDirection);
light.color = color;
// In case we're using light probes, we can sample the attenuation from the `unity_ProbesOcclusion`
// First find the probe channel from the light.
// Then sample `unity_ProbesOcclusion` for the baked occlusion.
// If the light is not baked, the channel is -1, and we need to apply no occlusion.
// probeChannel is the index in 'unity_ProbesOcclusion' that holds the proper occlusion value.
intprobeChannel = lightOcclusionProbeInfo.x;
// lightProbeContribution is set to 0 if we are indeed using a probe, otherwise set to 1.
half lightProbeContribution = lightOcclusionProbeInfo.y;
half probeOcclusionValue = unity_ProbesOcclusion[probeChannel];
light.distanceAttenuation *= max(probeOcclusionValue, lightProbeContribution);
halfAdditionalLightRealtimeShadow(intlightIndex, float3 positionWS, half3 lightDirection)
ShadowSamplingData shadowSamplingData = GetAdditionalLightShadowSamplingData();
// With the introduction of point light shadows, the number of shadow slices becomes different from the number of punctual lights.
// Therefore light data and shadow slice data must be stored in different structured buffers (of different sizes).
// TODO: check and fix "Structured Buffers" code path - Possibly use one SSBO for light data and one for shadow slice data (same as UBO code path)
lightIndex = _AdditionalShadowsIndices[lightIndex];// shadow slice index
// We have to branch here as otherwise we would sample buffer with lightIndex == -1.
// However this should be ok for platforms that store light in SSBO.
if(lightIndex < 0)
float4 shadowCoord = mul(_AdditionalShadowsBuffer[lightIndex].worldToShadowMatrix, float4(positionWS, 1.0));
half4 shadowParams = GetAdditionalLightShadowParams(lightIndex);
intshadowSliceIndex = shadowParams.w;
// 对于屏幕上的每一点像素,计算到光源的向量,获得CubeMap中所朝向的面
floatcubemapFaceId = CubeMapFaceID(-lightDirection);
shadowSliceIndex += cubemapFaceId;
float4 shadowCoord = mul(_AdditionalLightsWorldToShadow[shadowSliceIndex], float4(positionWS, 1.0));
returnSampleShadowmap(TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_AdditionalLightsShadowmapTexture, sampler_AdditionalLightsShadowmapTexture), shadowCoord, shadowSamplingData, shadowParams,true);
real SampleShadowmap(TEXTURE2D_SHADOW_PARAM(ShadowMap, sampler_ShadowMap), float4 shadowCoord, ShadowSamplingData samplingData, half4 shadowParams, bool isPerspectiveProjection = true)
// Compiler will optimize this branch away as long as isPerspectiveProjection is known at compile time
if (isPerspectiveProjection) /= shadowCoord.w;
real attenuation;
real shadowStrength = shadowParams.x;
// TODO: We could branch on if this light has soft shadows (shadowParams.y) to save perf on some platforms.
attenuation = SampleShadowmapFiltered(TEXTURE2D_SHADOW_ARGS(ShadowMap, sampler_ShadowMap), shadowCoord, samplingData);
// 1-tap hardware comparison
attenuation = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_SHADOW(ShadowMap, sampler_ShadowMap,;
attenuation = LerpWhiteTo(attenuation, shadowStrength);
// Shadow coords that fall out of the light frustum volume must always return attenuation 1.0
// TODO: We could use branch here to save some perf on some platforms.
return BEYOND_SHADOW_FAR(shadowCoord) ? 1.0 : attenuation;