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Hang on connecting to server using vanilla client

Open yuuka-miya opened this issue 9 years ago • 5 comments

When I connect to a FML server using a vanilla client, my client just stops at the "Logging in" screen. The cancel button works, though. This happens regardless of whether I'm running pure FML or am running Forge.

On the server, this is repeatedly displayed: [10:56:26] [Netty IO #3/INFO] [FML]: Unexpected packet during modded negotiation - assuming vanilla or keepalives :

If I abort the connection, the server displays a "Disconnected" message, and states that I have left the game.

This shouldn't be happening. If memory serves, in 1.6 I would have been kicked from the server with a "not modded" error message, or something along the lines of that.

Also, with recent events, shouldn't work be done on allowing vanilla clients to connect without bungeecord?

yuuka-miya avatar Sep 06 '14 03:09 yuuka-miya

Vanilla clients connecting might be possible in 1.8, this is something that we want to do but requires re-writing the entire network protocol. As for that hang, the time out is after a while, 60 seconds or so then it tries to kick you. But ya it should send a kick message.

LexManos avatar Sep 06 '14 03:09 LexManos

Lex, I have reason to believe a lot of people want vanilla clients to be able to connect to modded servers in 1.7. Join #nextstep on espernet IRC, you'll see what I mean.

Hasn't @cpw come up with a working draft of it, by the way?

yuuka-miya avatar Sep 06 '14 04:09 yuuka-miya

I managed to do vanilla compat for 1.7 in a seperate mod. The only problem is it doesn't ask mods what they think about it. It should however be fine. If there is any block the client doesn't know they are just invisible

jeffreykog avatar Sep 06 '14 05:09 jeffreykog

1.7 may be in the future, we will have to discuss this. However as it sits everything is WAY to early to try to discuss things as everything is up in the air. Leave it be until then.

LexManos avatar Sep 06 '14 06:09 LexManos

@jk-5 Does that happen to be open source?

ghost avatar Sep 12 '14 03:09 ghost