raygun4net copied to clipboard
When serializing a Uri property in type it serializes as [Circular reference detected, object not serialized]
I noticed that anytime an object contained an URI it would be serialized as [Circular reference detected, object not serialized].
I am using v5.3.1 and was able to recreate when running that code, the below error should allow you to experience the issue.
public void UriSerializingAsCircularReference()
Request r = new Request { Uri = new Uri("https://api.twitter.com") };
string json = SimpleJson.SerializeObject(r);
Assert.AreEqual("{\"Uri\":\"https://api.twitter.com\"}", json); // expected
Assert.AreEqual("{\"Uri\":\"[Circular reference detected, object not serialized]\"}", json); // actual
public class Request
public Uri Uri { get; set; }
After digging through the source the SerializeValue
function in SimpleJson.cs (line 1016) is recursing back into itself adding Uri onto the visited stack again. The code that appears to be the culprit is located at line 1074 and is reproduced below.
object serializedObject;
success = jsonSerializerStrategy.TrySerializeNonPrimitiveObject(value, out serializedObject);
if (success)
SerializeValue(jsonSerializerStrategy, serializedObject, builder, visited);
Thanks for pointing this out to us. We'll look into fixing this for the next version.