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Setting to reduce mobile data usage
Gitlab task - https://gitlab.com/minds/mobile-native/issues/7
[ ] Setting to toggle image / video loading. This would add a toggle to the Settings screen on the mobile app to enable a data saver mode. While data saver mode is enabled, videos and images in posts will not load unless explicitly clicked by a user. Images such as avatars and other small assets would not be affected.
[ ] Investigate data usage tracker - It might be possible to track data usage inside the app. However, Twitter does not do this and Android at the least has a data tracker that displays data usage by app in Settings. I don't think this part would be necessary.
When enabled, Data-saver Mode will cause newsfeed items to load a placeholder that can be tapped to load the image.
- [ ] New section/screen under Settings called "Data Saver"
- [ ] Checkbox to store a boolean for data-saver mode
- [ ] Checkbox to store a boolean for disabling data-saver mode automatically when on WiFi
Mockups required before starting this task
Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done
This issue now has a funding of 5.609 ETH (800.07 USD @ $142.64/ETH) attached to it.
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Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done
Work has been started.
These users each claimed they can complete the work by 266 years, 1 month from now. Please review their action plans below:
1) jim-toth has applied to start work (Funders only: approve worker | reject worker).
Hi! I've investigated this issue intensively on GitLab. I've begun initial investigative work. 2) jaimeabdielch has applied to start work (Funders only: approve worker | reject worker).
first create the state for the saving data mode, then create a data saver with the network component of react native 3) bobmku has applied to start work (Funders only: approve worker | reject worker).
It’s seems easy 10 minutes the data usage can speed up or slow down depending on activity threw data 4) bobmku has applied to start work (Funders only: approve worker | reject worker).
It’s seems easy 10 minutes the data usage can speed up or slow down depending on activity threw data 5) rjyun has applied to start work (Funders only: approve worker | reject worker).
I actually have quite a bit of experience with this issue. My phone is always low on battery. I change some app permissions and disable some background applications and it extends my battery life quite a bit. 6) dsp1589 has applied to start work (Funders only: approve worker | reject worker).
- Analyzing the code base (completed)
- Understanding the "Settings" screen implementation(completed)
- Add new menu Data Saver below logout with Icon 'data-usage' from react-vector-icons
- update settings store with new property dataSaver - toggling will switch true/false
- Create new component for placeholder with user interaction, tapping will load the image/video
- On successful login if user is on Wifi video/image will load as usual. if dataSaver is enabled placeholder will be showed if user not on Wifi network or if video/image will be loaded as usual 7) jay-dee7 has applied to start work (Funders only: approve worker | reject worker).
if the bounty is still active, i'd like to spend my weekend on this :) 8) jean-phillipe88 has applied to start work (Funders only: approve worker | reject worker).
Is this still active?
Could probz solve in a few days 9) max-arias has applied to start work (Funders only: approve worker | reject worker).
I'm interested to start work on thiss 10) manishoo has been approved to start work.
I've already finished 90% of the work including:
- Adding a Data Saver page in settings with two checkboxes for toggling it on/off and disabling it on a WiFi connection. I've currently put the Data Saver page within a root Network page in the Settings screen because I found it more expectable as a user, but this can be changed at will.
- Changing the functionality of the ExplicitImage component: Showing an overlay above a smaller, blurred thumbnail of the original image, retrieved from the Minds CDN, with a download button on the overlay. Upon pressing, the download button turns into a circular progress bar, initially indeterminate (for better UX in times of weak network connectivity), and ultimately in a determinate form depending on the progress of the image which is being downloaded. Finally, after the image fully loads, the overlay will disappear and the full image will appear.
This functionality only works on posts (newsfeed items) and images such as avatars and other small assets would not be affected
Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.
@markharding is this bounty still open?
@markharding is this bounty still open? too.
Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Cancelled
The funding of 5.609 ETH (2015.6 USD @ $359.35/ETH) attached to this issue has been cancelled by the bounty submitter
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⚡️ A tip worth 5.61000 ETH (2015.95 USD @ $359.35/ETH) has been granted to @manishoo for this issue from @markharding. ⚡️
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I guess that issue should be closed @markharding