MMTransition copied to clipboard
Installing via Pod
Great library, thanks for sharing this.
You have a typo in the install via Cocoapods part of the readme, a N is missing :-)
Also, after updating Cocoapods, it's still not possible to get this library.
For all other trying to do this, here's how to do this:
pod 'MMTransition', git: ''
Thanks for give me feedback , pod 'MMTransition' Its work for me , just try again ??
You have a typo in the install via Cocoapods part of the readme, a N is missing :-)
Didn't work @MillmanY, strange
Me too
Cant download or another problem ??
I can search on cocoapod
Analyzing dependencies
[!] Unable to find a specification for MMTransition
pod search not work but i can install in my test project
Well, it seems that I can only drag it into it, thank you
我不確定是什麼原因 但我 重新產生的測試project 是可以 pod install的
install 也不行嗎!?!?
Analyzing dependencies
[!] Unable to find a specification for MMTransition
好的我瞭解了 我 查一下這個問題
指定版本可以嗎 pod 'MMTransition' , '~> 0.1.4'
localhost:transitionAnimation XuanzheJiang$ pod install Analyzing dependencies [!] Unable to find a specification for
MMTransition (~> 0.1.4)``
好的 了解了 我會盡快給您回覆
有試過 pod repo update ??
我这里reop update超级慢。我试好了告诉你。我给你gmail发了邮件。有空麻烦看看。多谢啦!
我更新了我電腦的 cocoapod 在上傳一次 再請你幫我試試 👍
没问题了。似乎是执行了pod repo update
No problem. Seems to be the implementation of the pod repo update
after the normal
好的 感謝你喔~ 我也很納悶為什麼我一直不能pod search
@schmitzoide try pod repo update