I´m on 460.79. Should be quite recent. Wanted to update/look up for the newest driver but I can´t complete the form on the nvidia page. Tried three different browsers... guess...
Updated to last 460.89 WHQL by downloading it from third party site. Still same issue. Works when I first open the settings and crashes then when changing the background mode...
One more note: The cameras I have in OBS from earlier version of your plugin don´t work out of the box. Only after removing/rechecking the greenscreen imitation checkmark it does....
Unticking the checkbox to use gpu to compute color-to-depth-calculation leads to some weird background removal. The cut area stays the same as before and not adapting to movement anymore. (Wanted...
Same problem here for me! Working with a foundation libsass project and Brackets Release 1.3 Build 1.3.0-16022 on Win7 x64
Did a clean install of both Brackets and plugin. Same result...
Same here for me. Just wondering if I misconfigured something... Windows 7 64bit, Brackets 1.4.0, No big project. Other project (foundation) works
For me now everything is working fine. I guess I was too fast with error reporting...
Strange behavior. Working on a project with four scss-files. All import same _base.scss. Sometimes it works flawlessly and then it stops to generate the css file. No matter if I...
So I reinstalled the app and monitored the behavior for a few days. The issue still persists but the behavior is somehow different. Apps still don´t have network connection randomly...