That sounds great:-) Let me know if I should test something. I do also get a "no active widgets" when playing from the MPD. Would that also be related to...
Regarding the pages I have also tried the pages_fixed_moode.py. There is a lot of question marks at a 1/4 of the bottom left of 24x2 HD44780 i2c display. I have...
Thanks for that detailed description of how you write to a display:-) That was very useful. I have bought this display: http://www.buydisplay.com/download/manual/ERM2402-1_Series_Datasheet.pdf From www.buydisplay.com: https://www.buydisplay.com/default/3-3v-5v-24x2-character-lcd-display-module-hd44780-white-on-black It is running a SPLC780C...
I figured out the --showupdates. Sorry :-) For other: `sudo /usr/bin/docker run --network=host --privileged -ti -v /var/log:/var/log:rw -v /home/pi/pydPiper:/app:rw dhrone/pydpiper:v0.31-alpha /bin/bash python pydPiper.py --showupdates ` Could you give me a...
Hi again and once again thanks for helping. I tried to look at the showupdates and noticed the artist line looked different: Status at time 8:22:22 PM [encoding]=u'webradio' [ip]=u'' [outside_temp_max_formatted]=u'22\xb0C'...
I did manage to shift the time further to the right on the display. Now it is at the center. I had forgot to move the AM/PM... :-)
Thanks! That worked for now! :-) I will try to make a 24x2 LCD I2C page file. I can send it to you when i am finished if your are...
Hi again. Sorry for all the question:-) I jsut had a error when trying to run the docker deamon. It suddenly stopped working after a reboot. Have you heard of...
Thanks once again for helping and you are assuming right that a reboot didn't solve the problem :-) Removing the docker only was fine and now it is running again:-)...
Hi Rikardo The second comment by pydpiper should be fine. Just use this for install: $ sudo ./install_docker.sh I made a comment later with a correct line for executing the...