Hi There Thanks for your kind reply and thanks for the great work down with this script of different display:-) I have read some of your code in the pydpiper.py...
Hi Again. Sorry it was this file i used: ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --network=host --privileged -v /var/log:/var/log:rw dhrone/pydpiper:v0.31-alpha python /app/pydPiper.py --volumio —-driver luma_i2c --width 128 --height 64 --i2caddress 0x3c --i2cport 1 —-devicetype...
Hi. Have you followed this guide: https://github.com/dhrone/pydPiper/issues/29#issuecomment-392152609 This works great for me. If you have installed it in some other way or simply wants to reinstall yours, you can remove...
Hi there. Thanks again for this very nice piece of code for different mediaplayers :-) I have the same problem running a HD44780 16x2 display. It is displaying song and...
The display is working great and it is easy to install with the new config :) Is it some how possible to retrieve the 'bitrate' info (kbps). It is not...
Hi guys. Thanks for the input :-) Yes Volumio is not sending the bitrate. We are not the only ones looking for this and there is a forum here, were...
I'm experiencing the same issue, running Volumio 2.917. I uninstalled the docker engine and ran the install_volumio.sh again but with the same error message described by other users. Not able...
Thanks for your reply and totally understandable:-) I'll try to install the buster version of wait for an official release of the Volumio 3.0 Update: works great in Volumio 3.111...
Thanks again for your great code:-) I have been trying to install this but with some errors. First I had to use this to install docker: `sudo ./install_docker.sh` Next i...
Thanks for your reply:-) And it works!!! 👍 :-) Your last correction do not work. But using your code from the above install description and replacing `.cfg` with `.py`. That...