Mikiel Agutu
Mikiel Agutu
> Once we add the team specific locations in vault, the teams are able to change any flyway settings, not just flyway.placeholders. We are not comfortable opening ourselves up to...
@octavian-nita > And... elaborating on this topic... I'm pretty much starting to see Flyway as a generic update mechanism and not only an SQL-related one. I am not sure whether...
Related to https://github.com/flyway/flyway/issues/1258 and https://github.com/flyway/flyway/issues/734.
For `apt-get`, it looks like we'd have to submit the package through Debian (see https://askubuntu.com/questions/16446/how-to-get-my-software-into-ubuntu). That would then be propagated to Debian derivates (like Ubuntu). For a `yum` package we'd...
Flyway doesn't support Tibero. Feel free to create a PR implementing support yourself. We can't make any guarantees about adding official support for it. However, a working PR does make...
@cowwoc Apologies, but I'm currently not attached to Flyway's development. Maybe @Barry-RG can help?