
Results 113 issues of MikeZeDev

``` FetchProvider.ts:134 GET https://blogtruyenmoi.com/ajax/Search/AjaxLoadListManga?key=tatca&orderBy=1&p=30 net::ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR 200 (OK) ``` Trying to load manga list from BlogtruyenMoi, randomly got this. In fact its random and can occur with any request of this...


There are websites that were problematic (or just not done YET) when i tried to port them in Haruneko. We need to deal with them. For dead websites & other...


There was a talk about getting rid of CryptoJS dependency used in Hakuneko for Haruneko. First here is a summary of website/connectors witch CryptoJS references, and some words about uses...


Similar to Mihon and old tachy?


Some random thoughts on how we could have better language support for medias. * Set a default language for a website plugin . Deduced from website unique language tag or...


1) Begin able to generate PDF for VOLUMES and not CHAPTERS. Ofc we aint gonna guess which chapters for which volume. User select downloaded chapters from the UI, right click,...


### MANGA/NOVEL detection ======================= * Fundamentally a Novel isnt much different than a Manga. ID, title, chapters * The differences only appears at the FetchPages and FetchImages level (which obviously...


Reference issue for the bookmark importing feature '9anime': 'aniwave', 'azoramanga': 'azoraworld', 'apolltoons': 'mundomanhwa', 'bacamangaorg': 'bacamanga', 'bananascan': 'harmonyscan', 'comicbushi': 'comicgrowl', 'crazyscans': 'mangacultivator', 'dalsei': 'viyafansub', 'evascans': 'manwe', 'firstkiss': 'likemanga', 'flamescans-org': 'flamecomics', 'gateanimemanga':...


Case : Manga-link.org. Madara. The website occasionally display a captcha when trying to fetch the chapter list. Haruneko properly open the Window, display the captcha, user fill it and its...


When writing plugins i asked myself : is there a need to have ```Tags.Rating.Erotica``` and ```Tags.Rating.Pornographic``` as far as a website is concerned? I think the idea is having a...
