English or spanish, nothing works. Manga list, preview, download. Api changed?
Cant list manga : https://manhwa.club/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php error 404
Cant update manga list https://m.mangairo.com/manga-list/type-latest/ctg-all/state-all/page-1 error 404
If you ever find a dead website, feel free to report it on this issue. * Please before doing so make sure its dead for a while, make sure its...
**Did you read [the troubleshooting guide](https://hakuneko.download/docs/troubleshoot/)** Yes **Is the website of the connector working properly / are you able to see the manga within your browser** Yes **Describe the bug**...
**Did you read [the troubleshooting guide](https://hakuneko.download/docs/troubleshoot/)** Yes **Is the website of the connector working properly / are you able to see the manga within your browser** Yes **Describe the bug**...
A bit complicated. Fixes https://github.com/manga-download/hakuneko/issues/6503
Like every sane people i use ublockOrigin. I tried to use the following rules to block that f* youtube cookie consent dialog https://old.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/wiki/solutions#wiki_consent_dialog "These filters may cause issues (page does...