Mike Snowden
Mike Snowden
This enhancement request is somewhat related to #468, but different in that this enhancement request is suggesting the idea of implementing a native fcli command module for debricked (eg: `fcli...
We're able to generate auto-completion scripts for Linux and Mac for the Bash shell. While this may also work for Windows if something like Git Bash or Bash for Windows...
Tool download should show download progress bar or some kind of other information on the status of the tool or package being downloaded.
- List and delete commands already available - Single command for both local and LDAP users, or separate commands?
- Decide where in the command tree these commands should be located - Implement these commands
- Any other subcommands?
- Research what subcommands should be supported by the sc-sast sensor command - Implement those subcommands
- Research what operations can be performed on sensor pools - Implement those operations
- Listing scan settings is already possible - Need the remaining operations to be implemented - Any others apart from create/delete/update?
- Status command is already partially available, but should also support the new endpoint for showing SSC processing status - Other commands yet to be implemented