Mike Ralphson
Mike Ralphson
@louiealmeda a supported alternative is [OpenApi-GUI](https://github.com/mermade/openapi-gui) which you can see in action [here](https://mermade.github.io/openapi-gui)
Hmm, even if we could identify that the google format path parameter was multi-segment (`{...+}`) OpenAPI 3.0 / 3.1 only supports the [allowReserved](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.1.0.md#fixed-fields-10) parameter property on `in:query` parameters.
Apologies for forgetting about this - it was prior to GitHub allowing you to pin notifications to come back to later etc. Could you possibly resubmit it against the `swagger.yaml`...
Are you trying to convert such a split XSD into JSON Schema? If so, yes, this has not been tested so far. If you have an example you could share...
Thanks, are you also able to share (in a gist) the OpenAPI definition you were working on, and which command you used?
Thanks, will take a look. Dependencies may need updating.
Thanks for reporting. Will update my vscode and try to reproduce.
No, references should work wherever allowed by the spec. Can you share your files in a gist so I can debug?
Thanks. The extension uses the same libraries as `boast` in the `swagger2openapi` npm package. You could use that in verbose mode to see if there are any problems resolving your...
I'll admit this is a little confusing in the current version. The message means the reference cannot be resolved as an internal reference. The command you need to use is...