Mike Ralphson

Results 433 comments of Mike Ralphson

Speccy is unmaintained.

Also https://github.com/WhiteHouse/api-standards

PayPal https://github.com/paypal/api-standards/blob/master/api-style-guide.md

The npm `natural` module might be a good plugin for testing whether resource names are plural nouns etc.

I was just going to ask if you could add some of these new rules to the [oas-kit wiki](https://github.com/Mermade/oas-kit/wiki/Contributed-Linter-Rules)... and I see you have! Can't wait to see what you...

Again, as requested, comparative time for `oas-kit` to fetch, resolve, convert and validate: ``` time node oas-validate.js --verbose --verbose --resolve https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bungie-net/api/master/openapi-2.json Gathering... GET https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bungie-net/api/master/openapi-2.json Finished resolution! Finished resolution! https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bungie-net/api/master/openapi-2.json #/paths/~1Forum~1GetTopicsPaged~1{page}~1{pageSize}~1{group}~1{sort}~1{quickDate}~1{categoryFilter}~1/get/parameters/6/schema...

Thanks. I think in apis.guru we use the same options for all definitions, and it's likely some other ones need `resolveCircular`. I'll look at making it optional. We also only...

Yes `oas-kit` only resolves external references, leaving "locals only". It also bails on the first validation error, unlike Sway. But then, it is also doing the work of converting OAS...

I'm going to try and get another of our dependencies, `api-spec-converter` to update to Sway `^2.0.5` as that seems to be the main culprit now.

Filtering by operationId would be a useful additional feature certainly.