careful_rm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
careful_rm copied to clipboard

A safe wrapper for rm that adds useful warnings and an optional recycle/trash mode

########## Careful rm ##########

Version: 1.0-beta10

A wrapper for rm that adds more useful warnings and an optional recycle/trash mode

Can be used as a drop-in replacement for rm on any Linux or MacOS system with Python > 2.6. With no arguments or configuration, it will warn you if you delete more than 3 files or any directories, and will print the files and folders to delete to the console when prompting for approval (something rm -I does not do).

All rm commands are implemented here. In addition, passing -c will result in files being trashed/recycled instead of deleted. Applescript is used on MacOS, otherwise the best trash location is chosen (see below). Most files can be restored using GUI tools (e.g. Nautilus/Finder), as the default Trash folders and metadata are used (e.g. Put Back works on Mac).

Note: passing -s will result in files being destroyed with shred and will forcibly override and disable recycle mode.

Ideally, this tool should be symlinked to rm and the file ~/.rm_recycle_home should be created, which will make recycling automatic only for files in your home directory. This will provide a great deal of safety without majorly messing up any sys-admin work.

.. contents:: Contents


.. code::

Usage: [-c] [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ..

    -c, --recycle         move to trash instead of deleting (forced on by
    -s, --shred           run shred on all files (recursively if directories
                          included) prior to deleting, override recycle
        --direct          force off recycling, even if ~/.rm_recycle exists
        --dryrun          do not actually remove or move files, just print
    -h, --help            display this help and exit

All other arguments passed to rm

Common rm arguments
    -f, --force           ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt
    -i                    prompt before every removal
    -I                    prompt once before removing more than three files, or
                          when removing recursively
    -r, -R, --recursive   remove directories and their contents recursively
    -d, --dir             remove empty directories
    -v, --verbose         explain what is being done

For full help for rm, see `man rm`, note that only the '-i', '-f' and '-v'
options have any meaning in recycle mode, which uses `mv`. Argument order does
not matter.

Install as a plugin


- An ``sh`` style shell, preferably ``zsh``, ``dash``, or ``bash``
- Python version 2.6+, no additional modules required

*It should work almost everywhere*

**Note**: If anyone can help with a FISH and/or Windows version, that would be great

General Install

With any sh like shell (sh, bash, fish, zsh)

  1. cd ~
  2. git clone [email protected]:MikeDacre/careful_rm.git
  3. echo "source ~/careful_rm/" >> .bashrc


The ZSH version of this plugin is provided by the ``careful_rm.plugin.zsh`` file.
In addition to aliasing ``rm`` to ``careful_rm``, it also sets a ``$TRASH`` variable
that updates with every directory change and makes ``~trash`` a named directory
that points to ``$TRASH``.

ZSH offers some great ways to install as a plugin and stay up to date, my
favorite is antigen, but any of the following methods will work.

`Antigen <>`_

If you're using `Antigen <>`_, just add ``antigen
bundle MikeDacre/careful_rm`` to your ``.zshrc`` file where you're loading your
other zsh plugins. You will need to reload ZSH to install the plugin.

`Oh-My-ZSH <>`_

1. ``mkdir -p ~/oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins``
2. ``cd ~/oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins``
3. ``git clone [email protected]:MikeDacre/careful_rm.git``
4. add ``plugins+=(careful_rm)`` to the right place in your ``~/.zshrc``

`Zgen <>`_

If you're using `Zgen <>`_, add ``zgen load
MikeDacre/careful_rm`` to your ``.zshrc`` file where you're loading your other zsh

Install Script Only

If you want you can install the code directly and handle shell integration
yourself. The project can be installed with either pip, or just by directly
downloading the script.

To alias the code to rm yourself, you can download and source the
```` script, or just add something like this to your

.. code:: shell

    if hash 2>/dev/null; then
        alias rm="$(command -v"
    elif hash careful_rm 2>/dev/null; then
        alias rm="$(command -v careful_rm)"
        alias rm="rm -I"


This project is on PyPI <>_ so you can just install it with pip, but you won't get any shell integration:

.. code:: shell

pip install careful_rm

Direct Install

You can just put it into your ``$PATH`` and use it directly. e.g.:

1. ``cd /usr/local/bin``
2. ``wget``

Rationale and Implementation

``rm`` is a powerful \*nix tool that simply drops a file from the drive index. It
doesn't delete it or put it in a Trash can, it just de-indexes it which makes
the file hard to recover unless you want to put in the work, and pretty easy to
recover if you are willing to spend a few hours trying (use ``shred`` to actually
secure erase files).

```` is inspired by the ``-I`` interactive mode of ``rm`` and by
`safe-rm <>`_. ``safe-rm`` adds a recycle
bin mode to rm, and the ``-I`` interactive mode adds a prompt if you delete more
than a handful of files or recursively delete a directory. ``ZSH`` also has an
option to warn you if you recursively rm a directory.

These are all great, but I found them unsatisfying. What I want is for rm to be
quick and not bother me for single file deletions (so ``rm -i`` is out), but to
let me know when I am deleting a lot of files, and *to actually print a list of
files that are about to be deleted*. I also want it to have the option to
trash/recycle my files instead of just straight deleting them.... like
``safe-rm``, but not so intrusive (safe-rm defaults to recycle, and doesn't warn).

```` is fundamentally a simple ``rm`` wrapper, that accepts all of the
same commands as ``rm``, but with a few additional options features. In the source
code ``CUTOFF`` is set to **3**, so deleting more files than that will prompt the
user. Also, deleting a directory will prompt the user separately with a count of
all files and subdirectories within the folders to be deleted.

Furthermore, ```` implements a fully integrated trash mode that can
be toggled on with ``-c``. It can also be forced on by adding a file at
``~/.rm_recycle``, or toggled on only for ``$HOME`` (the best idea), by
``~/.rm_recycle_home``. The mode can be disabled on the fly by passing ``--direct``,
which forces off recycle mode.

The recycle mode tries to find the best location to recycle to on MacOS or
Linux, on MacOS it also tries to use Apple Script to trash files, which means
the original location is preserved (note Applescript can be slow, you can
disable it by adding a ``~/.no_apple_rm`` file, but *Put Back* won't work). The
*best* location for trashes goes in this order:

1. ``$HOME/.Trash`` on Mac or ``$HOME/.local/share/Trash`` on Linux
2. ``<mountpoint>/.Trashes`` on Mac or ``<mountpoint>/.Trash-$UID`` on Linux
3. ``/tmp/$USER_trash``

Always the best trash can to avoid Volume hopping is favored, as moving across
file systems is slow. If the trash does not exist, the user is prompted to
create it, they then also have the option to fall back to the root trash
(``/tmp/$USER_trash``) or just ``rm`` the files.

``/tmp/$USER_trash`` is almost always used for deleting system/root files, but
**note** that you most likely do not want to save those files, and straight ``rm``
is generally better.