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Various Scripts and Tools for Microsoft Technologies Professionals

Author: Mike Crowley

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Public-Scripts Repository

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Microsoft retired the TechNet Gallery, so I've re-uploaded a few scripts that were formally posted here:

  • Get-AlternateMailboxes.ps1

    • Query Exchange Online AutoDiscover to enumerate mailbox delegates with modern auth.
  • Get-AlternateMailboxes_BasicAuth.ps1

    • Query Exchange Online AutoDiscover to enumerate mailbox delegates. The old basic auth version.
  • Graph_SignInActivity_Report.ps1

    • Report on user SignInActivity and license detail via Invoke-RestMethod from Microsoft Graph.
  • LowerCaseUPNs.ps1

    • Change Exchange user's email addresses to lowercase.
  • MailUser-MgUser-Activity-Report.ps1

    • Get Export login information for mail users via Microsoft Graph.
  • MgUserMail.ps1

    • Send email via Microsoft Graph.
  • RDPConnectionParser.ps1

    • Extract interactive (local and remote desktop) login information and save to CSV.
  • RecipientReportv5.ps1

    • Dump all recipients and their email addresses (proxy addresses) to CSV.
  • Request-AdfsCerts.ps1

    • Remotley query ADFS to see information about the certificates it is using.
  • Restore-FromRecycleBin.ps1

    • Restore files from SPO in bulk.


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There are also a few things over here:

Be sure to read the comments in the scripts themselves for more detail!

Visit for additional functions and scripts.